Chapter 4

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You currently sat in your room, thinking about how you could have heard Annie's thoughts. Her mental shields weren't as strong as normal, but that wasn't out of the ordinary when she was around you. "Y/n, are you alright?" Shaak asked as she walked in "yeah, and don't you know it's a bad idea to walk in on a teenager's bedroom?" you replied "there's nothing that I would see I haven't already seen," she said with a small chuckle. You stood up and walked up to her, Shaak looked up at you with a look of lust in her eyes, and you knew she wanted sex. This was backed up by the fact she wasn't wearing her robes, instead opting for just her underwear. "Please," she whispered "I need to forget about my stress," "on one condition," you replied as you wrapped your arms around her and your hands went to her ass "what is this condition?" she asked leaning in close. You then whispered "you have my child," her eyes widened before she thought about it "of course," she replied and kissed you. 

Time skip

After having sex, you and Shaak went to the mess haul. And once you arrived you saw a food fight had erupted. "Stop this now!" Shaak yelled but no one heard her "STOP YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!" you roared and everyone stopped, now noticing you and Shaak, you smiled at her before going over to where the food was being served. The padawans and younglings sat back down as Shaak walked after you, "how do you do it?" she sighed as chatter filled the room "do what?" you asked "stop food fights, stop fights in general, I rarely can," she stated "you need to be louder, if they hear you then they'll stop," you replied. 

Time skip

You now found yourself in the archives, reading about force bonds. But the archive didn't have much on dyads, other than the fact Revan and Bastila were the most recent one to be made. "Padawan, what are you researching?" Jocasta Nu asked as she walked over "dyads in the force," you replied without looking up from the book "there isn't much to them, other than the fact they're just stronger than the usual force bonds," she stated and you nodded before sensing her walk off. "I know there's got to be more to them," you thought. "Oh, right, I can just ask one can't I?" you said to yourself, realising you're an idiot, and left. 

You walked into your room and found Annie on the bed naked. "Hey," she said with a smirk, she jumped up and started to kiss you. But you quickly stopped her. "Not now, sorry, I want to, but I have to talk to my father," you stated "what? Since when could you talk to dead people?" she scoffed and continued trying to kiss you "if I fuck you will you be happy?" you asked "yes," she replied as she jumped onto you, you sighed and dropped her on the bed "then don't expect me to hold back," you warned and got on top of her.

Time skip

After dealing with your horny girlfriend, she put some nightwear on and went to sleep while you started to meditate.

You opened your eyes and you looked around, and saw your parents and sister. Since your brother wasn't force sensitive you couldn't see him. You glanced down at yourself and saw you were wearing armour similar to your father during his time as a jedi near the end of the civil war. You got to your feet and walked over to them. You placed a hand on Satele's shoulder and she turned to you, you looked into her eyes and she hugged you. You hugged back and kissed the top of her head as your parents turned to look at their son and daughter. "Why are you here Y/n?" Bastila asked as her arms wrapped around her children, and you laid your head on her shoulder "I recently discovered I'm a dyad, that's one reason," you replied and saw surprise on the faces of your mother and sister "I already knew you were," Revan stated and everyone looked at him "I always did," "so let me get this straight, I'm a dyad with the girl who is thought to be the chosen one, all evidence pointing to her actually being such, and you decided to not even hint at it?" you asked "pretty much," he replied with a small chuckle. "Why did you want to talk to us about a dyad?" Bastila asked "I wanted to know more about them, figured you two would know more than Master Yoda, the archives hasn't got much about them, not much that I can access at least if there is more," you explained "well, for one you and Annie can access abilities such as force heal, you've been able to use it for a while as you know, and you can teach it to Annie. You can also teleport objects to each other, we can teach you that. And you can even talk to and see one another across space and time," Bastila stated and you nodded. You looked back at Satele and saw she was resting her head on your chest. "I missed you so much," she whispered "I missed you too," you replied. You eventually had to end the hug, and looked at your father after he placed his hand on your shoulder. "Am I right in thinking it was your birthday the other day?" he asked and you nodded slightly, the other two understood what Revan was talking about and the three showed their lightsabers, "you'll find more use for them than us," Bastila stated as you looked at them surprised "please?" Satele added and you looked at her. As much as she was technically your superior, Satele still looked up to you, something you could see by the look in her eyes. You hesitantly took the weapons and put them on your belt. You kissed Satele's forehead and your Bastila's cheek, and then hugged Revan. Who brought the rest of the family into the hug. 

You opened your eyes and found yourself still in armour/robes that looked identical to Revan's, and the lightsabers of your parents and sister. You got to your feet and saw Annie still asleep. You kissed her lips and left the room.

You walked into a training room and activated a few of the sparring and blaster droids. You took out Bastila's lightsaber and activated it, the yellow blades lighting up the otherwise dark room. The droids attacked and you moved as masterfully as your mother once did. Making the likes of the temple guards and Pong Krell seem like children playing with toys. After about a minute you activated Satele's, and started using them both. You moved like a blue and yellow blur. But when you sensed someone coming you quickly deactivated them and grabbed your own, activating it instead.

 The light turned on and you saw Mace in the door. "You have progressed rapidly in your training," he complemented "thank you Master, I've had some amazing teachers," you replied "these teachers being?" he asked "Master Ti... and my parents," you stated "your parents were jedi?" he asked "they were," you replied "their names?" he asked "you wouldn't believe me," you chuckled and he raised an eyebrow as you deactivated the droids "that peaks my curiosity further," he said "my parents were Revan and Bastila Shan," you said honestly "my sister was Satele Shan," "Masters Revan and Bastila Shan died over four thousand years ago, and Grandmaster Shan died over three thousand years ago," he argued "told you you wouldn't believe me," you replied "I sense you are telling the truth, it explains your highly advanced skill. I'm just trying to figure out how," he stated "do or do not, there is no try," you corrected "yes, Master Yoda always says so," he replied "I've never known him to be wrong," you said. "But then I always saw my father as the wisest man to ever live, who always told me to try my best. I suppose Master Yoda is the wisest jedi to ever live," you stated "you don't consider Revan a jedi?" Mace asked "he told me he isn't, multiple times, he was my original master," you replied "your sister, Satele, are you the older sibling?" Mace asked "I am, I'm proud of who she became, I just wish I could have seen it myself," you admitted "if I may ask, what was the jedi order like during the Old Republic era?" Mace asked "it was a lot looser on the rules, that's for sure, if they weren't I wouldn't be here. We could marry, have families, and more jedi were open minded. I've always thought the order in this time is not as strong as it was back then, even though we were struggling. Our strength laid in our bonds with one another, rather than numbers like the order today," you explained "although their were always the ones clouded by dogma, it's a lot more prevalent today. It's odd, I've never understood how the order could have fallen so badly," you stated "the order hasn't fallen," Mace argued "so the council isn't blinded by the dark side?" you asked and he shut up "exactly, you must open yourselves up to it. There cannot be a light side, or a dark side, only balance. Destruction and death are natural parts of the force. Without darkness you become blinded, but without light you are unable to see. With balance, it's all clear. That's what Revan always said at least, I've always lived by his teachings rather than that of the jedi, which some might say that's a bad thing," you stated "Revan fell, to listen to his teachings might very well lead to your fall," Mace argued as you started to walk with him through the temple. "Then let me ask you this. Did Revan fail? Or was it the failure of the jedi teachings? Revan's choices were always his own, it was not teaching or circumstance or example, it was him. And there is something that you, the council, and the rest of the order may never understand, that perhaps Revan never fell," you said, you glanced at the jedi master who was thinking about what you had said. Although Mace would never say it out loud, he respected your opinion and what you had to say, only now had he realised you were wiser than he had ever thought previously. "What would you suggest the order do to be stronger?" Mace asked "you must decide on your own," you replied. You smiled a little at him and walked off.

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