Chapter 2

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The fleet arrived above Bespin and you saw a Separatist fleet. "What in the world?!" Ahsoka yelled as she saw the size of said fleet "eh, no big deal. Dealt with worse. Annie, you need to get out there with all our fighters," you stated "I'm the general here!" she argued "and I'm the one who's used to dealing with legions of sith fleets. Are you going to listen to the veteran? Or are you going to be a winy child about it?" you replied and she groaned before running out. "Since when were there legions of sith fleets?" Rex asked "I'll explain later. Admiral, send word to Captain Thrawn. Tell him I need my fleet if we're going to win this," you ordered "yes Commander," Yularen replied. "Trooper, have they gotten their forces on the planet?" you asked "yes Sir, I've detected 6000 droids down there," he replied "Rex, get all the troops we have. Ahsoka, you're with me," you ordered "yes Sir," Rex said before running out. "You sound like you've done this before," Ahsoka commented "I'll explain everything to you later, right now we need to help the men," you replied and she nodded.

Time skip

You stood in a gunship with Ahsoka and Rex. You could sense Ventress was there. "I've got a bad feeling about this," Ahsoka mumbled "don't worry kid, I've got your back," you reassured placing a hand on her shoulder. Ahsoka nodded as the door to the gunship opened, and droids started firing at the gunships. You focused on the force and jumped onto the roof of the gunship. You then created a massive shield around the troops as they flew in.

You jumped off as the clones, and Ahsoka, charged out of the gunships. "Troopers, stay behind us!" you ordered as you used he force to bring over empty crates, to give them some sort of cover. You activated your lightsaber and began cutting up the droids. You then sensed your troops arriving. You knew this due to them flying down with their jetpacks. "Those are your troops?" Ahsoka asked and you nodded. They landed and activated their protosabers. They were all trained in Soresu and Shii-cho, so you knew they could hold their own. Several fired their wrist rockets and blew up a load of droids. Long story short, you had trained your men to be able to go up against a sith lord and Mandalorians, it was a training program that you hadn't told the council or chancellor about. Even though it took months of the war, months that could have changed the tide of the war sooner, it was worth it. "They have lightsabers?!" Ahsoka yelled "protosabers, they're what jedi used before the invention of lightsaber," you explained with a laugh.

You went through the city with the men, and Ahsoka, until you found Ventress. She was trying to steal the plasma, and blow the place sky high. "L/n, what a pleasant surprise," Ventress commented, she was surprised to see your men had protosabers, and was mildly afraid. You jumped at her and quickly sliced off her head. "We could have gotten intel off her!" Ahsoka exclaimed "she wouldn't have known much. I would have tried to capture Grievous if it were him, but not Ventress. She's just Dooku's assassin," you explained.

Time skip

Once you got back to the fleet Annie smiled as she saw you. She ran over and hugged you. You hugged back and saw Ahsoka smirking. "You okay?" you asked "yeah, why do your men have lightsabers?" Annie asked "they have protosabers, not lightsabers. I trained them to go against sith lords and Mandalorians. I put my old legion through the exact same thing, well, they had a bit more considering they were ordinary people before the war," you stated and she nodded.

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