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Ben was coming in from his jog. He jogged 5 miles today and was tired as hell.

Looking over at the apartment across the hall, the door was wide open and he could hear someone mumbling. Ben saw mover truck on the way in so he knew that this was his new neighbor.

He slid over a little and looked into the open apartment. Ben gasped at the woman bent over. She had on old jeans, a t-shirt and her hair was pull back into a ponytail with a scarf around her head.

Ben watched as she tried to push her couch to the correct spot, key word tried.

Clearing his throat he knocked on her door. "Hey, um I'm your neighbor across the hall...it looks like you need some help."

"I don't." She responded.

"But you do. Instead of not being so neighborly you could've said hello back and acknowledge me."

Miranda rolled her eyes and turned around. "Hello and no I don't need help."

Ben sighed and walked into her apartment.

"Hey I didn't invite you in. This is trespassing."

Ben walked pass her and grabbed the couch lifting it. "Where do you want it ?"

"Over here right across from the TV." Miranda pointed out.

Ben brought it over and lined it up.

He then grabbed her arm chair and moved it too before doing the same to the other one.

"Thank you. My name is Miranda Bailey."

"I'm Doctor Benjamin Warren."

"You're a doctor...I'm doctor Miranda Bailey"

Ben looked at her curiously. "And I'm not just saying I'm a doctor because you said you were. I am for real." She told him.

"Uh huh I believe you."

"Benjamin Warren I'm serious." Miranda stressed. "I'm a surgeon she added.

"Okay I believe you doctor Miranda Bailey, plus I scoped out your medical text books when I walked in."

"What kind of doctor are you?...a physical therapist" She questioned and then answered looking him up and down.

"I am an anesthesiologist." He answered giving her a bright smile.

"Thanks for the help" She told him.

"No problem. I saw the truck down stairs. Do you need help moving the other things."


"Why are you like this ?"

"Like what?"

"Being so stubborn. What are swearing off men?"

"I'm not swearing off men." She scuffed.

"So why not hire movers?"

"I didn't hire them because they were booked up this week and I wanted to be out of the house with my Ex and into my own"

"Ex boyfriend?"

"Ex husband...well almost. We just called it quits two weeks ago so we haven't started the process of our divorce. We have to be separated a year first."

"Oh I'm sorry to hear that."

"Me too. 10 years down the drain." She responded blowing out a breath.

"As a man Miranda. I wouldn't feel good about myself if I go into my apartment and let you lift and carry this stuff inside....how did you even get the couch up here.

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