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The next morning Miranda woke up and she took in her surroundings. "What the hell?" She whispered not recognizing her bed room.

"Oh." She sighed when recollection began to set in.

"Oh oh ohhhhh." Miranda said louder looking over at Ben who was sleep on his side facing her.

"Dam." She whispered and a pleasurable chill went through her body at the thought of the events that took place last night.

Miranda slid out of bed quietly and she stood. Her legs trembled a little but she pushed passed it and began to walk. She felt a pain in her vagina and she bit her lip at what caused it.

How could something be so dam good. It truly was un expected. She walked to the living room and grabbed her robe and put it on tying it.

She walked to the door and put her hand on it to twist the nob.

"Where do you think you are going?" Ben asked startling her.

"Uh home and Good morning." Miranda cleared her throat.

"So you were just going to leave?".

"Ben I have to get to work I'm two hours late. I have never slept that long in years."

"And you never had sex that good either." Ben retorted and Miranda rolled her eyes. "Who or what were you trying to forget last night?"

"My business and you did your part." Miranda replied tying her robe tighter.

"Sex shouldn't be a way to cover up pain and anger. It's not a way to get over someone either." Ben replied.

"I don't need a therapy session. I needed sexual relief and you provided it. Thank you. No more no less. I deal with my stuff the way I want to and you deal with yours the way you want to."

"How could I have sex with you again knowing it was your way to get pass someone." Ben replied

Miranda stopped in her tracks at his words...again. He wanted to have sex with her again and she would be perfectly fine with that. This was the best sex of her life and she wouldn’t mind it happening again either.

"Easy I get off at 9 on Wednesday and if you're home, I'll knock at your door...thank you for your time and body." Miranda mumbled walking out leaving his apartment.

She walked across the hall and opened her door before shutting it behind her and leaning her back against it blowing out a breath.

Miranda went to take a shower and she washed up real good.

After her shower, she stood in the mirror and lotion down.

She looked at the hickies on her breast and stomach and the one on the side of her neck.

"Jesus." Miranda commented.

She took a shower and did her makeup, covering up her sex bruises before she went to work.

Miranda looked across from the nurse's station and she saw Ben walk pass and into the patient's room.

She shook her head and began writing her notes but occasionally looked up at him as he smiled at the woman. He seemed to have good patient skills. The woman looked comfortable.

She watched as he helped her turn over and the nurse helped the woman sit up. Ben put gloves on before grabbing a syringe, to what she could only assume was numbing medicine.

He carefully injected the medicine into her back, numbing her up before he grabbed a catheter.

"What are you looking at Bailey?" Callie asked sitting her charts down beside her.

"Oh nothing, I'm just writing my post op notes." Miranda lied smiling.

"And checking out the hot anesthesiologist."

"I am not." Miranda blushed.

"Oh you're blushing...you like him." Callie cheered.

"Oh hush." Miranda scolded her for being so loud.

"I do not like him." Miranda added sternly.

"Why did you turn down his date?"

"Because I'm not ready to date. I'm just now about to start my divorce. I just moved into my new apartment. I need to get use to everything and process all this stuff."

"Some times it's good to let your hair down, get loose and get laid."

I got laid alright. Miranda though to herself. "Well not right now."

Ben walked out of the patient's room and he took his gloves off. He looked at Miranda with her head down and he started at her feet and let his eyes travel up her body, pausing at her thighs. He noticed the gap in them as she stood. Letting him know that she was indeed fucked good and that she probably was a little sore from last night.

He stopped at her ass and licked his lips. God she was blessed.

Shaking his thoughts Ben walked down the hall.

"Oh my god!" Callie voiced.

"What!?" Miranda asked quickly.

"You two...you two did something....it's something going on."

"What, what are you talking about?"

"Bailey?" "Uh you guys kissed." Callie announced.

"Hush your big mouth." Miranda shushed.

"Something happen the man looked at you like you were desert "

"He did?"

"He did and why? He licked his lips and everything."

"Stop being so dramatic. He did not."

"He did and give me a break what happened?"

"For the last time nothing happened." That she didn't want to happen.

Callie laughed and looked at Miranda as she wrote quickly.

"I got to go." Miranda said marching off.

"Oh yeah to catch up with the anesthesiologist." Callie yelled out.

"Shut it Torres." Miranda groaned going around the corner.

It was Wednesday night and Miranda was leaving work with a giddy feeling. In all her years of being sexually active she never had this feeling. Head over heels excited to be up under a man.

"Bailey we are heading out to Joe's you want to join us?"  Derek asked.

"No I can't." Miranda smiled

"What you are you going to sulk at home. It's time for you to get back out there Bailey." Arizona encouraged.

"Why are we talking about my personal life. Do I strike you all as the type of person to discuss my business with you. I told you I can't. Not tonight. You all have a good time though."

Miranda went home and she took a shower, this time deciding to actually put on a bra and panties. She decided on a dark green lace set.

Sliding her feet in her slippers and placing her black robe on she walked across the hall and knocked on Ben's door. Suddenly nervous just like she was 3 nights ago.

Ben opened the door and he looked at Miranda standing there with a nervous smile.

Miranda waited for him to invite her inside but instead he stared. She slowly opened her robe and revealed her body. "I'm here for you to fuck me." She announced and bit her lip.

"Dam." Ben whispered in awe of her.

He grabbed her by her waist and lifted her up causing Miranda to yelp at the movement. He closed his door with his foot and then placed her up against the wall.

Miranda noted that Ben's eyes were different tonight; hungry and dark.

She leaned back on the door and looked up at him, her breath catching in her chest. Without saying a word, instantly he was in control of her.

She reached down and pulled his shirt up. Ben's gaze traveled her body, up and down at least twice, and then his lips twitch slightly.

Miranda couldn't believe that just like that she was wet, soaked. Even her thighs were probably sticky and glistening.

Ben took her eyes with his, commanding her gaze as he reached down and dropped his thumb over her panty covered clit.

He groaned a low “oh” when he felt her arousal and in response she dropped her head back, dizzy from his touch. He reached out and wrapped his hand around her throat, pressing his thumb in deeply on one side and his fingers curled in on the other.

Miranda cough, then gasp, and his thumb pushed down harder on her clit and fuck it felt so good. Her hips were lifting forward, rising to get closer to him, gentle moans slipped through her lips.

He released her throat and Miranda choked, rasping for air. She was panting for her lungs to catch up but then, he wrapped his hand around her throat again.

This time he held it harder, and longer, and pushed on her clit faster and faster until he finally pushed her panties aside and he was bare against her body. His thumb rubbed her needy, soaking sex until she couldn't take it anymore.

Ben felt her breath hitch and he pushed two fingers inside of her.

An orgasm grabbed hold of Miranda and she let go, leaning forward and dropping her face into his chest as he pulled his hand from her throat. Miranda coughed, her lungs burning, pussy throbbing. Fuck this was the most intense thing. She thought and then she realized, she was still orgasming.

Her thighs were twitching beneath her and pools of wetness between her. And when she finally found the energy, she opened her eyes.

Ben pushed his pajamas down and in Miranda's euphoric state, she didn’t notice.

His penis stood between them, thick, and long. Miranda's chest ached, heaving, begging for his skillful hands to cup her breasts, roll her nipples between his fingers while he took her mouth with his.

But instead, he pulled her thighs further up on his waist and she could feel his thick member pushed up between her legs, teasing her  entrance, making her pant.

She didn’t want to have to beg him but dam didn’t he know how much she wanted him to fuck me her...she told him when she first arrived.

Miranda pushed forward and Ben groaned, heated, breathless, and then she felt his hand on her breast and another one between her thighs.

His hands on her everywhere sent a tingle through her spine

“Oh God,” Miranda whimpered as his middle finger slipped between her folds, landing softly against her clit. And right as he began to tease her, he filled her opening with his peak, slick with precome.

She gasped as he entered her, the thickest part of him sending a shock through the rest of her.

She wanted to stop because it just dawned on her that he didn't have a condom on but another part of her didn't care. She was on birth control anyway.

She move her body closer to him, her eager pussy inching down on him slowly. Ben rubbed her clit faster and squeezed her breast so hard she cried out, “no, no, oh yes, I mean, yes.”

Ben groaned but never let up, squeezing her breast so hard she dropped her mouth to his hand and bit him, but he didn’t let go.

And just when she thought the pleasure mixed with pain was too great, his cock gently pushed against the spot, the one so deep inside of her that once its grazed it came alive, swallowing her whole.

Ben thrust against it again, and again, his hand still in her folds, playing with her. Miranda's breast ached but it felt so good, his penis stuffed up inside her, finally after all this time.

He leaned forward, his face pushing against her neck, by her shoulder, and he growled to her in a hushed tone: “come on it.”

"Dam...okay."  Miranda moaned

She pushed herself forward onto him hard and her orgasm spilled out of her, clenching down on him so deeply that she milked him of his.

"Miranda." He moaned as he released.
Miranda's body took his for minutes after minutes. He kept giving, his seed dripping down her thighs, filling her completely. Finally, Miranda's legs gave out and she toppled forward into his arms, exhausted, satisfied, having a hard time believing this isn’t just a dream.

Ben held her and stepped out of his pajamas as he carried her to his room.

Miranda never pegged her self for actually liking rough sex but she was convinced it was the best sex. She supposed she always loved a person in authority. This was sexy to be put in your place and man handled sexually.

"Tell me all the positions you have ever been in."

"Huh?" Miranda questioned in her sexual haze.

"I want to give you mind blowing sex and something different."

"You are already giving me my blowing sex...this is different."

"Miranda you are so sexy that you should have been put in ever sex position known to man. Tell me the ones you have been in. I'm going to do those, top what you previously have experienced but I want to do more." He told her seriously.

"Okay, I want to try this one." She informed sliding to the edge of the bed some as she laid on her stomach before arching.

Ben looked at the doggy style position and the incredible arch she was in. "Dam." He remarked but surely she had to experience this position before. But still she said she wanted to try this one. How could you be married and have not been in this position. If she was his wife, like he said, he would have her in every sex position there was.

"You coming or what?" Miranda chastised looking back at him.

"You are so mouthy one day I’m going to fill it with my-

"And I wouldn't complain Benjamin." She replied cutting him off.

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