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Miranda still only came to Ben's house at night for sex. They talked more than they ever did laying in bed together. Ben would try to convince her to go on a date with him but she would immediately shut that down.

It was frustrating as hell to him. He gave Miranda a key to his apartment a month ago, so she wouldn't have to keep knocking.

Miranda was excited to have sex. She wasn't able to be home almost all week. She was continuously on call and it seemed as if Seattle always had an emergency.

She unlocked Ben's apartment and shut the door, locking it before walking to his room. Already taking her nightgown off.

"Hey Benjamin." Miranda greeted.

"Hey." Ben murmured.

"Dam, you look sick." Miranda pouted, sad on the inside because sex was off the table.

"I don't feel so good." Ben mumbled and Miranda threw her nightgown back over her head and she walked over to Ben.

She felt his head and gasped. "Jesus Ben you are burning up...how long have you been feeling like this."

"Since this morning. I got up to get some coffee and my stomach ached, my head thumped and I was dizzy all I could do was just go back to bed"

"So you haven't eaten anything at all?"

"No, I couldn't move." Ben responded and Miranda nodded.

"Okay I'm going to run to the store and I will be back. You need something to eat and some medicine."

Miranda quickly walked across the hall and she changed her clothes. She then drove to the store and grabbed everything she could think of, along with groceries.

After arriving back to his apartment, Miranda put up all the food and she began to make her momma's vegetable soup. She put the water, Gatorade and juice in the fridge.

"Drink this Theraflu, this should help with your fever and headache. I'm almost done making soup and I will bring it in for you too."

Ben sat up with Miranda's help and he took the drink from her. She watched him for a while before leaving out.

Miranda continued making the soup and when she was finished she came back into his room with a bowl, spoon and crackers.

"I didn't know you could cook." Ben whispered.

"I can, I just don't though. Barely have time. But this is good, this is my mom's recipe."

"Vegatble soup. It reminds me of my mom's." Ben commented and Miranda smiled.

"Only black mom's would call this vegetable soup and put ham in it." Ben laughed causing Miranda to laugh too.

"You are definitely right about that. They save ham bones and throw the whole thing in the pot."

Miranda walked out and grabbed a bowl for herself. She came back into the room and set beside him.

"How was your day at work?" Ben asked, his voice raspy.

"It was good, I had a Whipple today and that was pretty much it. I did my rounds and worked in the pit. A woman came in crying but the kicker was, she stabbed her husband in the back.

"Dam a literal backstabber." Ben commented.

"Well he was one figuratively. She found out he was cheating on her with his assistant and she wanted him to feel what it's like to be stabbed in the back." Miranda explained.

"Dam." Ben chuckled and Miranda giggled.

After they finished eating Miranda checked his temperature and it came down a little.

"Okay you should drink some more water hon- Ben. " Miranda changed.

Ben noticed her referral and he smiled to himself. She was getting comfortable and routine with him.

"Miranda my head and body still aches." Ben told her sadly.

"I know I'm sorry...I can try to soothe your body aches. How about a massage" Miranda suggested and Ben nodded.

"Okay turn over...do you have any vicks vapor rub."

"In the medicine cabinet in my bathroom."

Miranda got up and cleaned up before grabbing the vicks vapor rub. She looked at Ben laying on his stomach and she crawled over him, lighty sitting on the bottom of his back. She put some of the rub into her hands and began to massage his back for him.

She hummed lightly as she massaged him all over rubbing in deep. "Turn over to the front." She Instructed and sat up as he did.

She sat back down on him and rubbed his chest. "This should help with your congestion...you just gotta wrap up tonight."

"Okay." Ben responded, he looked at Miranda intently and watched how she rubbed his chest tentatively. Everything this woman did was good.

Ben reached out and placed his hands on her butt and Miranda gave him a "really" look. He began to caress her ass and Miranda popped his hand.

"Stop." She whined.

"I'm sorry, you are just blessed." Ben replied.

"Mmm." Ben sounded, telling her to kiss his lips.

Miranda clicked her teeth and rolled her eyes playfully before leaning down to kiss his lips. She pecked his lips multiple times before kissing his head.

When she felt Ben's erection under her she gasped. "I'm starting to believe you're not sick at all."

"I would have to be dead for this not to happen." Ben replied and Miranda laughed louldy.

Miranda slid off of him and she climbed off the bed. She pulled the covers up on him and cut off the night light.

"Goodnight Ben."

"Wait where are you going?"

"To my apartment to sleep."

"I'm sick. You're not going to stay."

Miranda stared at him, she really didn't want to cross the line with him. She only stayed at this man's house when they had sex. But then again, she wasn't suppose to be cooking, and caring for him while he was sick either.

"I'll stay only because I'm here and you're sick." Miranda commented pulling the covers back on "her" side of the bed.

She laid beside Ben and he snuggled in close laying on her chest. Miranda looked down at him and she kissed his head before she eventually fell asleep.

Miranda found herself laying in Ben's bed even when they won't having sex. She would come home eat dinner and shower before getting in her own bed but as she laid there she never could go to sleep good, so no matter what time it was. She would slide out of bed and go across the hall and slide into his bed, ultimately into his arms.

But this week she hasn't seen much of him and she had Tuck. Tuck wasn't going to be with her this evening because it was the weekend but yet she still couldn't see Ben because she promised the girls that she would go to girls night with them and tonight they chose this restaurant/lounge with dancing.

"Hey why didn't you tell me Ben had a girlfriend."

"Ben doesn't have a girlfriend." Miranda retorted rolling her eyes.

"Miranda he's over there." Callie pointed out.

Miranda turned her head in the direction Callie pointed and her mouth dropped slightly. She watched Ben for a while. Every smile and laugh was like a gut punch to her stomach.

"Well I didn't know he had a girlfriend and she could just be his friend." Miranda said unconvincingly. 

She couldn't really be mad. She brought this on herself.

"Excuse me for a second, I have to use the restroom." Miranda cleared her throat.

"you want me to come with you?" Callie asked and Miranda shook her head no.

Miranda kept her eye on Ben and the woman he was talking to as she walked across the room. She focused on the sounds of her heels as she walked. The bathroom just so happened to be close by his table and she would have to walk by in order to get there.

Ben looked up at the sound of heels and he study the all to familiar legs, his eyes travel up her body until he met Miranda's disappointed face.

"Hello dr. Warren." Miranda said casually

"Good evening Dr. Bailey." He replied staring into her eyes.

Breaking their stare Miranda cleared her throat.
"Nice seeing you, you have a lovely evening." She said to the both of them with a light smile.

"Miranda." Ben tried but he figured why should he even bothered. He owed her nothing. She continued walking to the bathroom and when she reached it she blew out a big breath.

She was not suppose to be feeling like this at all. This was on her terms. She knew she developed feelings for him. It was inevitable, all the sexual experiences, the cuddles at night, the kisses, talks and laughs. She liked him. He was hers. That was her man.

Miranda looked in the mirror and pulled herself together before walking back out. She looked at the now vacant table and sighed before walking back over to the bar.

"What was that?" Callie asked quickly.

"That was nothing."


"Give it a rest Torres." Miranda pleaded grabbing her drink. Callie stared at her for a long while and Miranda blew out a breath.

"That was My DA out with another woman."


"Dick appointments." Miranda filled in.

"Oh my god Bailey."

"Don't Bailey me."

"You guys were having sex!"

"Often, roughly, enthusiastically, passionately, spectacularly."

"How long has this been going on?"

"Months...it's started the night before that day you caught me staring at him."

"Dam I knew something was going on...so you guys stopped."

"No, not that I know of. We were just having sex with each other the night before last."

"How long do you think he has been seeing her."

"I don't know but I'm about to go find out." Miranda gritted hopping down from the bar stool.

"But I thought it was just sex between you."

"It was, I mean it is." Miranda rubbed her head. "I gotta go." She told them as she walked out of the bar. 

After she arrived home she saw Ben's car in the parking lot. She walked inside of her apartment and took a seat.

"He was on a date with a woman." Miranda gritted once again.

She grabbed Ben's key and walked next door. Miranda opened his door up and looked at the woman sitting at the kitchen counter drinking wine.

"Leave." Miranda told her forcefully.

"Miranda you can't just-

Miranda grabbed the woman's purse and shoved it in her arms after she stood.

"I can and I am saying leave right now. I need to talk to him. So bye." Miranda retorted cutting Ben off.

The woman looked at Ben and Ben sighed. "Lauren I'm sorry about this. Can I call you tomorrow." Ben pleaded.

"Ben this is craziness." She voiced before walking out and slamming his door.

"So what? That's your girlfriend." Miranda asked Ben crossing her arms.

"You've got some nerve...That's not my girlfriend."

"Then what is she"

"She's a date I went on." Ben responded.

"So what am I. The chick you see and screw in the dark."


"Oh go to hell Benjamin."

"No, Miranda the only reason you are that woman is because you put yourself in that role."

"Okay, you know what you're right. But how about I'm your nothing now." Miranda yelled turning to leave.

Ben grabbed Miranda's arm "Miranda no.

"No Ben I don't need this. I just need to focus on myself. I shouldn't have never entered into a sexual relationship with you. I thought i could just have relief and didn't have to deal with the relationship part but that was a fantasy." Miranda told him wiping her tears as she walked out of his apartment.

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