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7th February, 2014.

Bella Henderson; 18.

The music thumped. People jumped. Her mind was numb, numb as ever. But she was having fun.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

The bass was louder than ever, making her heart jump to it's beat. Her breaths mixed with it making her wonder if she's breathing all at. Everything, hazy and blur. But she was having fun.

She was laughing pointlessly, stumbling her way to the exit with her friends, who were stripping the walls raw of some hidden joke, too.

The guys walked behind in tow. Laughing at something themselves, although they were sober, except Beckham maybe who kept falling down. That made the girls laugh harder. The fresh breeze of outside welcomed their fuzzy minds, knocking some sense into them. The water Jake handed them accompanied at the task.

They staggered their way to Jake's car, still very drunk. But Bella had sobered up a little due to the water. With her heels swinging on her fingers she went in the car, with Erica jumping at the back of the jeep before sending Bella a not-so-sly wink. "This is the last time you girls are drinking." Jake said, still laughing.

Jake waited until the rest of the friends were seated.

"But it was so fun!" Bella shouted at Jake. Who shook his head looking at Erica who cheered at her statement. She loved the view from the back, she stood up when Jake started driving.

Bella looked out the window, neon lights passing in a blur. Disturbing her already besotted mind. But she loved every moment in her intoxicated state.

She looked at the people next to her in awe. The feeling of Jake's hand on hers sunk it, and she felt drunker than ever, but she was having fun.

Soon the blur of neon rush faded into a glowing yellow cascading over their car through the mist. Shouts resonated as London's car passed by, Beckham screaming at the top of his lungs.

The radio blared their song.

A laugh escaped her throat. She screamed along Erica who sang the song other's caught up to, too. They were having fun.

It wen't on long, how long, she couldn't keep track.

Just as she was laughing at Jake over something Jessie insulted him about from the next car, Joseph shouted. She didn't care what, she was having fun. The cars turned left all of a sudden. Their opera turned into mortified screams and she caught on. The yellow glow seemingly got brighter inch by inch as the car swirled left and right.

Her screams were amidst the rest, echoing and barely making sense. Everything felt slow yet nothing made sense. Then they met a deafening sound, crashing through but not burning their skin.

It promised to burn them deep within.

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