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9th February 2014 | 6.00

It hurt. Not physically, She had her medication for that. It almost numbed her, almost. mentally she was feeling, and it hurt so much.

Every time she tried breathing she couldn't help but remind herself that she didn't deserve to.

Seeing her lifeless body was nothing but torture.

Was she in pain?

She was sleeping, peacefully, so peacefully that the only reminder she was still here were the beeps resounding about the room fixated on her heartbeat. She was holding on, but how for long.

"You need to go back to your room, honey. Get some rest. We'll take care of her."

I didn't wipe the tears as I turned and spoke in a weak voice, "Can't I stay with her tonight?"

The lady looked at me with a sad smile and pitiful eyes, "You need your rest, Bella."

Yet she couldn't let go of her hand, thinking it could be the last time she'd feel them warm, "Please wake up,"

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