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When they got to the volcano he told them what he needed.

"What?" They all said.

"Jump in, take this device into the volcano. We need to harness the energy of the earths core for power" Jojo says.

"What are you talking about?" Brax asks.

"The plan" Jojo says.

"What plan?" Axa asks.

"Our plan" JoJo says.

"To do what? Bubbles asks.

"To make the town better of course" Jojo says.

"What?" They all said.

"You know" JoJo says "you know using my ideas and your powers. We will build the help-the-town-to-make it- a-better-place machine" he shows them the blueprints "Then everyone will see our special abilities are good and they will love us" he points to them "remember? It was your idea"

"Um, oh, yeah. But use our powers?" Blossom asks.

"Yes" JoJo says.

"No way" Buttercup says.

"Oh, come on" JoJo says.

"No" Bubbles says.

"We're never using our powers again" Brax says.

"It's better this way" Axa says.

"Oh" JoJo says "don't be sad. Y'all's powers are great. You just gotta believe in yourself just like you told me"

They look at him as he smiles.

They then look at the lava in the volcano and then looked at each other before grabbing the device and heading all the way down to the bottom and when they saw it activate they followed it back up to the surface.

They then saw JoJo cheer over this. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

"We did good?" Blossom asks.

"You did very good. Very good indeed" JoJo says.

"Now what do we do?" Brax asks.

They look at the blueprints.

"First, we construct the superstructure" JoJo says as he points around it.

JoJo then told them there was a big meteor frozen at the north pole and so they headed over there to get it in the use their powers to find it.

After that they brought it back to Townsville and they use their heat vision to melt it down to make a metal.

After that they use their heat vision again when the metal was made and started building the superstructure.

JoJo then had the twins Brax and Axa go to the bottom of the sea to go get a submarine that had been left there and bring it back to use the technology.

And when they got back with the submarine bubbles grabbed a huge metal rod and hit the submarine like a piñata as it busted open and Technology came out along with a few fish.

As that was happening the girls went to go get more supplies well the twins stayed with Jojo and as they were working on it, it began to activate and green light started turning on and JoJo notice that the twins seem to be getting smarter by building this it's as if like they were getting a new power of intelligence.

But what they didn't know was that yes the twins were getting smarter. One of Dan's powers has been activated the intelligence booster that Dan got on his first adventure when he was Lost in Space.

JoJo then sent the girls to the desert to get sand and then return with it and then they use their heat vision to create glass.

They then created bubbles from a substance that JoJo had and when they were done they hooked to the machine.

"Look. Can't you see our plan is working?" JoJo says "our work is proceeding as plan. At last, our lives will be better. And at last, we will be accepted" They then put the chambers together as the final thing they had to do to complete the machine " at last, our greatest work is comple-" he stops himself "oops"

"What's wrong?" Blossom asks.

"Well.....there is one last teeny-tiny, itsy-bitsy thing we still need" JoJo says.

After Joe Joe told them what they needed they headed back to their house and grabbed what they needed and the twins went to go see Dan but he wasn't there.

"Brax something doesn't feel right" Axa says.

"I'm getting that feeling too" Brax says "Dan was to sick to move"

"We'll look for him when we're done with this" Axa says.

"Agreed" Brax says.

After that, they left the house and went back to the volcano and when they arrived Jojo told them where to put the chemical X and when they did he cheered.

"Yes! Yes! Yes!" JoJo says.

"We did good?" Blossom asks.

"You all did very good" JoJo says "ver good indeed"

"Now what do we do?" Buttercup asks.

"Well, because you've done so good I've got a special surprise for you" JoJo says.

"Well, because you've done so good I've got a special surprise for you" JoJo says

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