Chapter 9: WTH!!!!!!

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Hey guys like I promised I'm updating in it's 9:38 at night where I live. I wanted to updates as soon as possible for you guys because I fear that I have been letting you guys wait way longer than I should have. Please forgive. And if you want to kill me.  Then please kill me by shoving delicious cookies in my mouth. LOL!!!! I am completely joking and I don't want to die anytime soon so let's just stick to throwing cookies at me than. I should stop talking or typing or whatever and start typing the actual chapter.


Yuu's P.O.V.

I woke up early in the morning and decided to get dress. I wore a white buttoned up shirt with a blue vest over it. I had on normal dark blue jeans and black and white adidas. After I woke up and was done getting dressed, I went to  get Veronica because we agreed to meet outside her door so that we can go to Mikan and Andy room's next. As I was heading to her door I saw her sitting out on the floor waiting for me. She was wearing black cut shorts with a silver chains. She was also wearing a pink shirt that said's "eat me if you dear" with an devilish grin on a cupcake. At that moment I couldn't help but think that she was gorgeous and how I wanted her to be mine. I guess I must have been staring for too long because the next thing I know is Veronica waving her hands around in my face. "Hey Yuu, are you okay?" she said slowly panicking. I started to laugh at the way she look like she was swatting a fly away.

Veronica's P.O.V.

Suddenly Yuu started laughing out of nowhere and I jumped. I slowly started yelling at Yuu but he only kept laughing. Soon the laughing grew contagious and I too was having a laughing fit. We laughed for what felt like hours, but were really minutes.  I slowly stopped laughing and looked up at Yuu. I was admiring his beauty when he started talking. "Hey lets go get Mikan and then Andy." he says smiling with his rosy red lips. I wonder what it would feel would feel like to kiss those lips. Yeah, it would feel gre-OMG! Where did these thoughts come from. I slowly shook my head and answered him. "Okay but before we go can I go get my camera. I want to get juicy pics of Andy." "Fine, just hurry."


*Time Skip*

Veronica's P.O.V.

We reached Mikan's door. Yuu was about to knock when I stopped him. I pulled out a shiny silver key and opened the door. We snuck into the kitchen and grabbed pots and two big wooden spoons. As we turned and slowly approached the bed we notice not one, but two bodies in the bed.

Yuu's P.O.V.

WTH! Next thing I know is that Veronica is squealing and running around taking photos like a professional photographer. Slowly I notice Mikan raise out of bed. SH!T! Mikan is going to kill us. Before I got the chance to warn Veronica and grab here so we can hide I heard  a loud coughing sound. I stopped and started praying that Mikan somehow spares us. I suddenly started feeling soft, cold fingers wrapping around my neck. Oh Gawd.


Hey minna I hope you guys like this chapter tomorrow I will also be updating around 4 because I have school. I am sorry I wasn't able to update over the weekend like I promised, but as soon as I was finished typing the author's note my mom said it was time to go. And keep in mind that I am only 13 and I want to say thanks for being super supportive. I love guys and I will be studying because I have final exams next week. Wish me luck

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