Chapter 11: Ohhh!

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Hey guys I am once again updating this week. This chapter is really long so I hope you guys are prepared. MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU! Sorry I just suddenly had a Star Trek movie. Will I should shut up now and let you read. TTYL! :-)


Mikan's P.O.V.

I awoke only to see flashes. 'What the he!l is going on' I say to myself wondering if I should get up to check it out. I decided to getup anyway since I couldn't fall back to sleep. I slowly set up, feeling Andy shift so that his arm was sprung across my lap. I looked around the rom to see that the flashes were coming from Veronica's camera. I reached out and grabbed her making her freeze. I turned around to see tip-toeing out. 'Oh no you don't. Thinking you can come wake me up and get away with it. Please.' I thought to myself and slowly started to reach for him with my other unoccupied hand. I grasped him subtly and softly, enough for him to notice and jump, and then strengthen my grip.

"What. Are You. Doing In. My ROOM!" I said starting off in a whisper but finishing off in a loud yell. They slowly turned around, pale, looking as if the seen a ghost. I would have too. considering the fact that when I turned and looked in the mirror to see that I liked like the girl from Ring. "Answer me!" I demanded. They both started talking at the same time. Stuttering here and there. "Shut up!" I screamed getting irritated, "One at a time!"

Yuu started. "Well, yesterday when we were in the elevator, we all decided to eat breakfast together remember?" "Yeah so?" I ask waiting for him to continue, only to have Veronica answer. "Well, we met at my dorm and decided to go to yours next. So when we got here, I was about to knock, you see. But before I could Yuu stopped me and held up a key, and before I knew it Yuu was already in taking pictures." She said with tears, which I knew was fake, streaming down her face.I slightly shifted my eyes, keeping my head still, to look at Yuu.

Yuu looked like he was struck in the heart. "You liar!" he shouted waving his hands around in the air. "I didn't do any of that she did. Se she has the key in her pocket and the camera in her hands." Veronica looked Shell-shocked and she started looking for a place to hide the camera, until she settle with putting the camera behind her back. And with that little action all he!l broke loose. AS soon as I was about to stop the petty argument, I felt Andy raise out of bed. "Shut up, will you." he said with a tone that dared wither one of them to defy him. He slowly got out of bed took the key from Veronica, and pushed them out of the room.

With that he slammed the door in their faces, leaving them with shocked faces, and climbed back into bed. He once again wrapped his hands around me and forced me to lay back down and go back to sleep. I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep with he knocking of Veronica and Yuu luring me back to sleep.

Andy P.O.V.

Those ignorant fools. Waking me up because of a childish dispute. I'll 'ought of kill them for waking me and my fair Mikan. Once I couldn't stand to hear their childish bickering any longer, I raised out of bed. "Shut up, will you." I said the irritation showing in my voice. I got up out of the bed, snatch the key out of veronica's pocket, and literally dragged them outside into the hallway. "Don't come back." I whispered softly so that Mikan couldn't hear but still held dominance. I walked into the room and slammed the door in their shocked face. "Good riddance." I mumbled to myself. I walked back into the bed and circled my arms around Mikan's waist. loving the way she fitted in my embrace. With her laying right beside I had the best sleep in ages.


Hey minna I hoped you liked this chapter. If you guys see any errors or anything please tell me so that I can check over it. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter very much. Bye minna.

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