Prolouge: A Death

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The light shined on the table as the Pierre family gathered around to celebrate Thanksgiving dinner, despite the missing presence of one member of their small family. Another year taken from them as a whole family due to Marella's Pierre's hectic schedule. For all the good she would do, it didn't really matter when she dropped plans in pursuit of it. Jonathan Pierre shoved the feelings of resentment deep down inside him, and choose to be proud of his daughter and how dedicated she was to her craft. Marella Pierre could truly change the medical field in ways no one could possibly imagine, so what's a few missed holidays in the long run?

Irene, the ever-amazing cook comes out with one of the few remaining meals for the day, and at the sight of her, Jonathan can't help but smile at his beautiful wife. Jonathan was grateful for the life that they built together, he remembered the times where he would've longed to share a meal with another, and the fact that he can do it now, those days now seem so minuscule. Too mesmerized at the sight of her, it takes a moment to register that her returning smile has left and replaced with a frown instead. He looks to where her attention was being drawn straight at their other daughter, Prue, their own little terror to Marella's light. As he turned, he heard her retreating footsteps.

"What's wrong dear?"

"It just doesn't feel the same with Marella not being here." Prue says solemnly, while using her fork to pick at the remaining pieces of her turkey.

Jonathan couldn't help but silently agree with his daughter, though he'd never admit it. Thanksgiving was a holiday to be thankful for all that they've been given in life despite any internal and external struggles. As he looks around his precisely decorated home done with an orange and brown theme in mind, he thinks back to those moments where Marella was able to attend shopping with the family to help decorate. He takes notice of her small contributions, such as the small pumpkin sitting by the window, and the large led maple tree with charms added, he wishes with every being of his heart that his beloved daughter was here to see how it all came together. He would avoid this conversation; it was no use to any of them to bring her non presence.

Jonathan sighs before addressing his daughter. "I know, honey, it doesn't feel the same, but you know how much it means to Marella to be a doctor, especially after what happened with Jaci last summer, she's more determined than ever." The words sounded sour in his mouth, but how selfish is it as a parent to want more of your child's time? Just as he thought it, Irene comes out with two more plates in hand, making it the last of the food made.

"The food looks great dear."

Irene smiles at his compliments, giving him an air kiss, "Thank you, I'm glad you enjoyed."

Jonathan catches the air kiss right in his heart and hold it tightly in exaggeration, keeping up their playful game.

"You guys are gross."

"Oh, hush up Prunie, one day, when you finally find the one, you'll understand."

Prue shakes her head in total disagreement and goes back to playing with her food. Jonathan, not wanting Prue to be upset the entire day chimes in to try and bring in a lighter mood. "Chin up dear, it's-" Before he could finish his thought, the home phone starts to ring loudly, all startling them. Jonathan gets up to answer it.

"Hello, who is this?"

A heavy sigh comes through from the other line. Jonathan takes the phone away from his ear to check the caller id, but nothing shows up on his line, not knowing who's calling sets Jonathan's hackles up. Only a few have ever called using the home phone, given how far society has come in terms of technology, there was never truly a need for it. Jonathan, however, liked things a little old fashioned, and pushed for it to be there when he bought the house with Irene. They bought an older house, and planned on remodeling it. Irene initially wanted to chuck the whole wall where the phone was in hopes of more space, but ultimately gave in and compromised on painting the wall the same color as the rest of the house. The house had a more modern look, with perfect clean white walls, white furniture, white just filled the whole house. It wasn't Jonathan's style, but it sure made his wife happy, so there was no point in fighting her about something as simple as the design of a house. As long as he had somewhere to sleep was all that mattered in his mind.

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