Part 6

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Prue arrives home, finding both her parents in the living room. They look up as she closes and locks the front door. A look of confusion crosses her face.

"Mom, Dad?"

Her mother instantly bursts into tears, causing Prue's heartrate to pick up a notch. The only reason Prue could think of why her mother could be crying is because they found her sister's murderer, but the idea leaves as soon as it comes. She just saw Salem, if they did, he would've told her. She makes way to go to her mother, but her father's hand shoots out, stopping her. He takes his eyes of his crying wife to angrily look at Prue. The anger radiating off him is so strong, that it feels as if hate is looking back at her.

"What have we've ever done to deserve the treatment you've been giving us. You're not the only one in mourning." Relief at his statement calms her posture. That's what this is about. She almost wishes it wasn't. She knows she hasn't been the greatest daughter, but too much is happening all at once for her to handle. She sighs, taking a deep breathe before answering.

"Look I just need time; this has just been a lot."

"We are your parents and we're here for you whenever you need us."

"I know."

"So why treat us like this?"

"I'm sorry, I truly am. I just need more time again." She couldn't tell them what she'd been doing, they'd stop her. They might tell on Salem, and she finds that she doesn't want him to get in trouble. He's helping her.

"You can take your time in someone else's household."


"Your no longer welcome in this household anymore."

"What? Why not?"

Her mother forcefully wipes the tears from her face, responding with, "Are you serious Prue? The disrespect, the leaving at random times at night, don't think we don't know, and the overall stank attitude isn't enough?"

Silence. How can she even respond to that, it's all true?

"Nothing to say?"

"You're kicking me out."

"Yes." He responds.

She can't say that she didn't see this comment, nor that she doesn't deserve it. Her parents are people too, and if she were in their shoes, she would kick her out too. Taking a deep breathe, mentally trying to figure out where she can crash for the night, Prue accepts her fate. This is the path she walks, and now there is no going back. This can't be for no reason.


Soft feminine sniffles arise. "That's it? Just, okay?"

"Yep, just okay."

Her mother stands up, looking at Prue for a moment, before shaking her head and heading upstairs, leaving Prue and her father alone. He gestures towards her room and she gets the silent message. Pack your shit and leave. She obliges.

Prue packs basic essentials; clothes, undergarments, toothbrush and paste, the file, her laptop and a few skincare items. After two full bags, Prue makes her way downstairs where her fathers' still standing. She doesn't spare him a glance before heading outside taking her car keys she dropped when she first came in. She wants no sympathy, nor is her father the type of man to give it.

"I wish it didn't have to be like this Prunie." His voice says as she walks towards her car. The nickname causes her to bristle, looking back at him, glaring. He slams the door after they spend a moment staring at each other.

We lost one daughter; We can't lose another. He said that just a while ago, now he's lost both. Guess he didn't mean it. As Prue enters her car, silent tears fall as she starts it. She promised herself she wouldn't cry. A soft purr comes from her car as she drives away, with no home to go to.

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