Part 3

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As Prue makes her way back home, she thinks back to her encounter with Salem. She's not sure of what to think of him, but her desire to solve her sister's murder overrides any second thoughts she has of him. The night air changes right before Prue's eyes, causing her to look up at the moon shining at the left side of her face. Turning her head, Prue allows the moon light on her face.

"This must be a sign." She whispers.

Rain begins to pour, and Prue lurches off into a sprint towards her way home. As she runs, soaking up the rain in her clothes, Prue against her will starts thinking about the proposition Salem gave her. She was hoping for a blank state of mind for at least the whole way back home, but after thirty minutes and even arriving home, Salem sits heavy on her mind, even as she takes a step into her home, until the front door opens, revealing her father.

Instead of trying to come up with a pathetic lie they both won't believe, Prue pushes right past him towards her room, even as he walks right behind him; hot on her heels. She reaches the door, slamming and locking it instantly before fully capturing the look of surprise on her father's face. Prue keeps her hand on the handle for a moment longer, before shaking off the feeling of guilt and instantly strips to taking off her wet clothes.

A sigh is heard through the door. "I'm sorry Prue. Today was emotional for all of us, and your mom and I took that out on you. Just promise next time to not let us worry too much and just answer the phone to let us know you're okay. We've lost one daughter, and we just got back another. We can't lose you Prue, you're all we have."

Silence. Prue makes her way towards her bed, taking the stolen file with her to start reading, hoping to find at least some information about her sister.

    "I love you Prunie." Her father's retreating footsteps cause Prue to look up at the door. How she wishes things were much different.

    "Promise." She finds herself whispering. The steps creak backwards signaling a stop, but continue on retreating, almost as if he heard her silent promise.

Prue takes her eyes off the door, and dives straight into the file. She looks through page after page of notes—from interviews with the people who found her body, her parents, her friends, the university, even private conversations from her phone and social media, Prue can't help but feel intruded on for her sister. Prue understood that the police had to do those things, even something seemingly small could ultimately make or break a case.

Prue flips the huge file before spotting crime scene photos. The jackpot. As she looks at the scene of the crime, she tries to think of Marella as Jane doe. She uses her finger to cover up her face as she looks through the photos. Blood everywhere in her apartment. So much blood that it almost looks face, as if the murder drained her entire body of it. A bloody knife sits near her throat, so calculated that Prue can tell it'd been placed there. Marella was also not suicidal, she knew her sister too well. As she looks through the photos, hoping to find a clue, she lets herself look at her sister's body and sees an imprint mark on her neck. Her necklace. Marella would never take it off, so where was it? Maybe the police have it as evidence? As she looks at her sister's body, she sees the multiple holes in her dress. She fought; Prue thinks to herself. She fought. Her growing sad smile fades. She fought like hell and still died.

Prue reads notes after notes, before landing on a picture of her sister. She finds her hands caressing the photo. A picture from their 21st birthday trip to Miami, it was Marella's turn to pick a location to visit since they started the tradition on their 18th birthday. The Miami heat was vastly different from the New York cold, but Marella was uncaring of it all. Despite the fact that they spent half their time there sweating, it was single handedly one of the best birthdays they've shared together. Prue moves her hand away from Marella's face and looks at the two of them together, smiling. Sweat glistened on both their forehead, but the big smiles on their faces cancel out any nastiness.

Prue looks at the matching coverup sundresses they wore, and the first tear falls from her eyes. She goes back to that moment in time with Marella and wishes she could relive the day over and over again, knowing it's not possible. One thing she knows for sure is that she's done crying. In that moment, Prue makes a decision to accept Salem's proposition. It's not smart, she barely knows the man, but in the state of feeling manic in a way, Prue needed to take some sort of action. Prue gets off the bed, slipping into another set of sweats and hoodies, before heading out her window straight to the police station once again. The rain still pouring heavily despite the hours she'd been home, soak her instantly. She can't help but feel silly at her appearance, but pushes through to finish what's about to start. Prue makes her way to the shining bright glass doors, pushing open the doors, but stepping back instantly as a man walks out.

    'I accept." She says as her eyes make contact with just the man she was looking for. His eyebrows go up.

    "Help me find out who murdered my sister, I don't know your motives, but I find I don't care too much, all I want is justice for my sister. I don't know where to start, and I realize I need help, and you're the best I have. It's the least she deserves, she deserves to truly rest in peace."


    "Just like that?"

    "Just like that."

    "No questions?"

    "Just one."


    "I need your number."

    "Not a question."

Eyes roll. "I need it so I'll be able to reach you when I need you. I'll also need you to bring that file back for me."

    Prue rattles off her number, to which Salem stares blankly at her as she says it. Prue chooses not to comment on it, while odd, it's not like he can't find her if he really wanted to. If anything, it's just him confirming her number. After she's done, she notices Salem taking a quick perusal of her wet frame.

    "Would you like a ride home?" He asks.

    Prue can't help but smile, such a small, insignificant question, but nonetheless highlighting their new partnership. "No, I think I'll walk."

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