Part 2

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Without even realizing, Prut found herself walking in the direction of the police department. She could not be sure why, but as soon as her hands touched the handle on the door, she knew exactly what she wanted to do. Immediately as she enters, she sees a police officer, and like a woman with a mission march right up to him.

"Sir." She says, while lightly tapping his shoulder to get his attention.

Turning around, the officer gives Prue a once over before responding, causing Prue to discreetly roll her eyes.

"Yes ma'am, what can I help you with?"

Sticking out her hand, Prue introduces herself, "Hello officer, my name is Prue Pierre, my sister is Marella Pierre, may I- "

"Ah yes, we know about your family."

"Great, may I speak to the officer working on my sister's case."

The officer sighs causing Prue to get immediately annoyed, she hated nothing more than feeling as if she was inconveniencing someone, but this man was an officer. Who is he to get annoyed at her, as if she's making his job harder, as if it isn't her family that's broken? It's his job to help people, why is he annoyed when she should be.

"Prue Pierre, the twin. Look we've told your family all that we know, you or your family cannot keep coming every single day, we will update when we find more out about the case. It is still an active case; we are actively working on this case."

"As an officer, that is an extremely inappropriate thing to say to a family member of a victim. I'd like to speak to the officer on the case. What a messed up and disrespectful thing to say."

"I get how you feel, however you and your family have to be patient with this investigation. Your family coming down to the station every other day is not helping us, them, or you."

"I'd like to speak to the officer working on the case."

"He's speaking. It's detective."

Prue can't help but scoff at the absolute gall of this man. How he, an officer of the law still has a badge baffles her. "Thanks for nothing."

The officer turns to leave.

"What is your name?" Prue hears herself calling after him.

"Salem." He responds, then turning his back again to begin walking once again.

"Like the cat?"

"Exactly like the cat." The officer continues on walking as he responds.

As Prue watches the officer go, she finds herself smiling slightly at the minor banter, she quickly wipes the smile off her face. In doing so, she turns her own back to leave when her eye catches on a photo of herself, but Marella's name. It quickly hits her that she is standing at the desk of Salem. She is looking at her sister's file, seeing her sister's face. Her heart starts beating rapidly in excitement, but also panic.

This is her moment, no would notice if she just tucked it under her shirt, right? It would be horrible; her parents didn't raise her like this. But as she thinks more and more about it, Prue finds less and less reason for it to be wrong. She's borrowing it. She intends to bring it back. She's doing it for a good cause.

Prue snatches the file without another moment's hesitation, and shoves it inside her hoodie. Instead of checking to see if anyone saw her take the file, she just starts to head on walking to the exit. The best course of action here is to ignore, ignore, ignore.

"What you got there?" A soft male voice whispers in her ears startling Prue, causing her to jump in freight. Turning around, Prue sees the Salem, the detective she was just talking to. She turns to face forward and continues to walk straight to the exit, hoping her rudeness makes him leave. Instead, it does the opposite, the officer continues to match pace with Prue.

"A file by any chance?"

Prue continues the game of silence, turning, and being just a few steps away from the exit, when she feels a strong arm touch her shoulder.

"Hey I'm talking to you."

"And I'm ignoring you, don't you ever put your hands on me." Prue says as she pulls his hand away from her shoulder.

"I saw you take that file."

"What are you going to do about it." Prue saw no use of denying it. She took it, so what, she was going to leave with it one way or another.

Salem smiles, as if amused by her answer. "Nothing, I wanted you to."

"You wanted me to? Why?" Prue says slowly, completely baffled, almost as if she wasn't sure of the words coming out her mouth.

"Don't worry about my reasons, they aren't important. I have a proposition for you. When you came here, I realized this was an opportunity, for us to work together."

"Work together?"

"Yes, work together. I think you would be very helpful in this case."

"I'm sorry what? Why would you, a police officer, enlist the help to solve a murder case with help of a civilian, who knows nothing of how to catch a murderer."

"Does it matter? I'm offering you a chance to use me to solve your sister's case, how were you going to do it on your own?"

"I'd be more inclined to say yes if you told me the reason why."

"I won't. Think about it." Salem turns and leaves Prue standing all alone in that space. She certainly had a lot to think about.

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