Part 4

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A soft knock at the door awakens Prue out her deep slumber. Prue ignores it, favoring a few extra shut-eye. Whatever time it was, it's too early.

    "Your mother and I are leaving Prue, we'll be back in a few hours, would you like to join us?"


"All right, we'll bring back something for you then."

A soft knock hits her door followed by a soft voice. "Prue, sweetie, are you okay?"

Her phone message notification goes up, and Prue is instantly awake. "Okay yeah, I'll see you later." She says distantly while reading the message Salem sent. Soft and hard footsteps leave.

What is your address?

I'm sure you know.

I do.

Prue finds herself staring at those two words longer than she'd ever admit. Throwing her phone to side, Prue gets up groggily, making way towards her bathroom to get ready for the day. She's not sure what to expect, but she's excited.

I'm outside.

    Two hours later after the initial text, Prue finds herself getting out of Salem's Ford 150. She would've never pegged him for a truck guy. It's New York. Subways exist. Prue walks into the diner Salem chose, not particularly excited after the disastrous car ride. It brought to light how much of strangers they are to each other.

    So, what do you do in your free time? She asks. Silence she'd receive

    "Watch any good shows? I was in a comma for three months, something good must've come out."

"Favorite song?"

"Favorite color?"

After some point, she got tired of talking to herself and tried putting the radio on, but Salem smacked her hand as she reached for it, they sat in silence for the rest of the ride. They reach the door to the diner, and take their seats. A waitress approaches them.

    "What can I get for you both today?"

    Salem responds first. "A side of hasbrowns with pancakes and orange juice."

    "I'd like waffles and a decaf coffee with 3 pumps of vanilla creamer."

The waitress takes their order, returning a moment later with their drinks. "Just a moment for the food."

Prue turns to fully face Salem. "So, where should we start?"

    "By eating." Prue scrunches up her face at the response, it isn't the one she was expecting, and Salem takes notices of her displeasure, but sits still unaffected.

    "This will take time; your sister's killer won't be found in a day." He says causally, taking a sip of his orange juice after. The waitress comes back, handing them their food, and leaving them to dig in.

After a moment of eating in silence, the bell at the door rings, signaling new customers. Prue turns her head around for a split second to see the face before turning around. It was as if there was a glitch in her mind that didn't see a face, but something unearthly. Looking back once again, Prue is meet with some type of creature looking right back at her. As they stare at each other, Prue can't help but feel uneasy, like something is so horribly wrong. She turns back to Salem, finding he's speaking, but words coming out his mouth don't register as the ringing in her eyes gets louder and louder.

    Fingers snap. "Do you see that?"

    "See what?"

    "That thing behind us."

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