Where Did You Get That Bite Mark?

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A/N: This is for a MCU Halloween Bingo on Tumblr. This isn't the name of the fic, but the name of the bingo this fills. Fic is currently unnamed. Featuring Bucky and a vampire. Seems Bucky ran into a certain someone during an Avengers mission, and now things aren't so great for him.

Steve kicks the alley door to the warehouse down, hearing nothing but the clatter of the door against the concrete floor. A second later, he hears a similar sound from the other side, Thor doing the same thing as him. His shield is raised, ready to be used in less than a second as Steve walks inside, looking for any sign of life. He steps over the bloodied bodies of Hydra soldiers as he walks deeper into the warehouse.

There were more soldiers than the Avengers participated, and they ended up separated. Bucky had wound up in the warehouse alone with several soldiers, and they lost contact with him not long ago. Which is rather worrying. The tracker in his earpiece still says he's in the warehouse, but it wouldn't be hard for Hydra to drop that somewhere if they captured him.

As Steve continues towards the location of the tracker, he notices the soldiers look different than the ones he saw earlier. They weren't killed or knocked out by blunt force, knives, or bullets, which would be what Bucky would most likely use to fight them. They don't look like they fought at all. Almost more like they fainted.

I don't like this. As Steve continues, there are less soldiers that show visible signs of fighting and more that are inert for some other reason. He is about to bend down and investigate one of the soldiers when he sees a flash of metal in the distance next to something dark. Steve runs in that direction, quickly seeing the body of his best friend.

"C'mon, stay with me, Buck," Steve worries as he stows his shield behind his back while kneeling next to him. Bucky is deathly pale, his skin a stark contrast from his dark hair framing his face. "I need med evac," Steve tells the others as he feels for Bucky's pulse. Faint, but far too fast. His skin is cold and covered in sweat.

"What happened?" Thor asks when he sees the two super soldiers on the floor, running to help.

"I don't know," Steve answers, barely holding back his panic. Panicking will only make things worse. I have to stay calm for Bucky's sake. "Rapid heart rate, pale, cold, sweaty," Steve tells both Thor and Bruce, who is listening while he hurries to them.

"Those sound like blood loss symptoms," Bruce says.

"He isn't bleeding," Thor responds, bending down on Bucky's other side.

Not knowing what to do, Steve checks his pulse again. As if it'll be any better without any help. As before, he feels a faint and fast heartbeat when he touches Bucky's carotid. But there is something surprising.

"What's that?" Steve wonders aloud. He must have felt a little higher on his neck the second time and felt something. Two tiny marks. He moves his hand to Bucky's chin and gently tilts his face to look away from Steve. After brushing some hair out of the way, the two marks are obvious against Bucky's too pale skin. Red wounds, recently scabbed over. "Where'd you get that from?"

The better question would be "who?"

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