Bite Mark 2: Asexual Awareness Week

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Continuation of the other excerpt I did for the Tumblr horror bingo. Shortly after Bucky is most healed from his confrontation with what is definitely not a vampire. I headcanon Bucky as grey ace. No idea if this counts, but I don't care, it's the aftermath of being definitely not bit by a vampire. Besides, maybe the garlic bread will actually be useful?

"I make one vampire joke and you start eating garlic bread?" Tony asks, not an hour after Bruce gave the go-ahead to Bucky to leave the hospital wing. Bucky points at the calendar, Tony catching him as he took a bite. Tony looks at today's date and sees that the entire week is labeled Asexual Awareness Week. Pepper likes to mark the kitchen calendar with holidays relevant to anyone on the team. "What does that have to do with garlic bread?"

"It's a joke between asexuals, so I'm being festive," Bucky explains. "You should work on the awareness part."

"Something like that instead of sexual attraction you have a love for garlic bread?"

"Pretty much. Garlic bread is better than sex is what we normally joke around about. So, no, I'm not paranoid about vampires."

"Just wanted to check. I'd be pretty freaked if I lost a couple pints of blood and no one knows how."

"I am freaked out," Bucky admits. "But not because there's a vampire that fed on me. I just happen to be distracting myself with one of the universal foods of aces. Because the other one has more prep time and I was starting to get shaky. Figured I should do the one that takes less time."

"What's the other food?" Tony asks.


"You'll have all week for that."

"Yeah, I'll probably have to miss out on invading Denmark though if I'm mysteriously losing blood," Bucky says as he walks out of the kitchen.

Huh? Tony stands there for a second, waiting for Bucky to be out of earshot. "FRIDAY, he's messing with me, right?"

"He actually left out the part about the dragons," she answers.

Tony doesn't realize that Bucky is trying to not laugh just outside of the room.

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