Little Rose 1

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A/N: This fic doesn't have a title, so I'll refer to it as Little Rose for now (it will be obvious why as you read). [Y/N] lives in a world where Loki defeated the Avengers in 2012. She joined the resistance and was later captured. She is treated surprisingly well for being a prisoner of war. When Loki's forces are attacked by another group with an unknown weapon, [Y/N] is caught in the crossfire. That's how she finally starts to learn why Loki captured her. Only the last bit is shown, but you kinda need context. 

"It's alright," Loki says as he scoops you into his arms, sitting on the table. Your limbs are tucked against your chest as Loki rocks you from side to side, as if you're a child. You want to scream as Loki holds you closer, flush against his chest. It's all too much. You have been having a hard enough time as is, you didn't need to be momentarily turned to stone, and now everyone is telling you there is something wrong with you, and Loki is holding you, mere feet away from the doctors about to examine you for some theoretical mutation you almost certainly don't have. "Breathe, you're safe. This is scary, but you are in good hands. But first thing's first, you need to breathe."

"There's nothing wrong with me!" you insist, pushing against Loki's chest, wanting nothing more than to run away from all of this.

"I never said there was anything wrong with you. But that weapon killed everyone in that corridor, and everyone in rooms adjacent to it. You were the only survivor, and the rest are statues. There may be other side effects of this weapon, or you may be immune to it. But we won't know unless we look." His voice is soft as velvet as he rocks you, barely reacting to your struggling. "You won't be alone, I will be right here. And all of this will be resolved as soon as possible. But before we can do any of this, I need you to breathe, little rose."

Little rose? you think, realization dawning. "It's been you. All these years, it's been you inside my head." How could I have not seen it? It's so obvious, how am I only just realizing it? How else would he know so much about me? How else would he always know when I was hurt? "Why? Why have you been in my head my entire life, encouraging me whenever I needed it? Why?!"

"All will be explained, but first I need you to breathe."

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