Bite Mark 4: Aftermath

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After what happened in my last entry with Bucky and the definitely a vampire. Delirious jokes about ace week and Italy.

"Not again," Bucky mutters as he wakes up once again with a pounding headache and faint feeling, unable to move much on the hospital bed he lays on. The pungent smell in the air doesn't help. He opens his eyes only to be blinded by the lights.

"Sorry, let me get that," Steve says quietly. Bucky listens as his footsteps walk away before there's a soft clicking noise.

Bucky opens his eyes as Steve walks back to him in the dark room. "What happened?"

"You don't remember?"

"Last thing I remember was seeing nothing in that hallway and going half-way down the hall," Bucky answers after a moment of trying to remember. He doesn't put in too much effort because it doesn't take long for his head to hurt worse.

"I hate to say it, but it was definitely a vampire. Well, technically she might be a person bitten by a radioactive bat or whatever, but she did bite your neck and drink your blood."

Bucky sighs. "We're never going to hear the end of it from Tony."

Steve smiles at his joke before continuing. "Natasha says you were in some sort of a trance. You didn't fight her, and before she got to you you stood still, not reacting when Natasha tried to warn you. You didn't react when she bit you either. That's probably why you don't remember."

"What happened to her?"

"There must've been something in your blood she didn't like. She went into anaphylactic shock not long after you passed out."

"Hold up, are you telling me ace week might have saved my life because I used it to justify eating an unreasonable amount of garlic bread?"

"Yep, that might be it. Which is why there's garlic hanging at the door and window. This vampire's fed on you twice, and that could either be coincidence or intentional. If garlic will hold her back, then she hopefully can't come in here if she escapes her cell. They smell terrible, but if they work as a vampire repellent then we'll use them."

"How do the Italians do it?" Bucky asks.

"Do what?"

"Some of them hang garlic up, right? Or is that just a thing in Italian restaurants in America? Whatever the case, the smell of garlic sucks when it's this potent and if it weren't for the fact that I can't move and there's a vampire in the building I would do something about the garlic right now."

"I think you might be a little delirious, Buck."

"Okay, but I'm right. Well, maybe there's lots of vampires in Italy. Because everyone has garlic, and everywhere you go there's a crucifix. And the Pope is right there, making holy water. Do you know if there's lots of mirrors in Italy for some reason?"

"Not that I'm aware of."

"But they don't just have garlic at home. They use so much garlic in their food that they should be safe outside too because then their blood will kill vampires."

"You should probably get some sleep," Steve tells him. "You'll probably be more clear headed then."

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