The Fang Of Repentance

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Echoed Thoughts.



Zero and Yuki stared blankly at the food that Kaien had placed in front of them."Here we go, tuna carpaccio garnished with marinated tomatoes and parley, Kaien Style."Zero inwardly shuddered, looking at the food warily."And filted of beef with whole vegetables and cream, Kaien Style! My creation! My very own!"Zero glared at the food, as if it would kill her, that she had picked up with her chopsticks.

"He summoned me so early in the morning for this?"Zero mumbled, annoyed.

"Calling it his style is going a bit too far."Yuki stated and Zero looked at her in disbelief.

"That's not what I'm talking about."Zero stated. How the hell can she eat that? It may look good, but the taste is terrible... The silverette wondered with a grim look on her face.

"Huh?"Yuki looked at Zero in confusion."What about it?"

"Say cheese!"Where Zero used the big ball, of whatever it was, to shield her face at the sound of a camera went off, Yuki merely smiled.

"Say, what's with you all of a sudden!?!"Zero snarled.

Kaien gushed over the photo."It's a commemorative photo."Kaien looked at them with a cheerful smile."Today, you carry out your duties not as Guardians. But as true members of the Disciplinary Committee."He showed them the picture.



I'd rather be doing that deadline paperwork that every Taicho suffers through, or even school work, then this. Zero mentally grumbled as she walked through the hallway of the Sun Dorms, knocking on peoples doors to do an unannounced inspection and confiscating items from said people, resulting in them protesting and trying to argue."Did you even ask these Night Class Students if you could take their picture? Because if you took them without their consent, and they find out, they can either have expelled or sue you."Zero stated coldly and the girls and they froze, looking horrified or terrified.

Continuing on her way, Zero came across the Day Class President; Kageyama Kasumi, yelling at Yuki while hiding a book called; Ruka's Photos, No. 3, and stormed up to the duo, snatching the book out of his hand and drawing his attention to Zero.

"Confiscated."Zero said coolly and threw it in Yuki's, nearly filled to the brim, trolley before walking off and ignoring the terrified expression on the Day Class President's face. Yep, I would prefer doing paperwork that requires a Taicho's full attention compared to dealing with whiny Humans complaining about their stuff being confiscated. Zero thought, overhearing Kageyama saying that someone was mean, most likely Yuki because the silverette knew that not a single Human, other then Kaien or Yuki, would dare say that she was mean, behind her back or to her face and risk drawing her ire.

After putting the sack of items upstairs in the Day Dorms Attic, Zero went outside and sat down on the grass, leaning her back against the tree and looked up at the sky, that was partly hidden behind the leafy branches. What a beautiful day... Zero thought absentmindedly, squinting her eyes at the suns rays before shutting them fully with a deep sigh. 

"Zero!"Amethyst eyes snapped open at hearing her name called out in such a familiar way."You skipped out again!"The familiar tone of voice suddenly sounded angry and Zero clenched her hands into fists and was briefly reminded of the container filled with the Blood Tablets being her hands and as she stood up, she hid them away in her inside jacket pocket as Yuki came rushing over to her."Huh?"Yuki paused, having seen that Zero had just hidden something from her.

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