Moonlight Festivities

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Echoed Thoughts.



Yagari Toga, after getting a call from both the HA President, who ordered him to watch over Kiryu Zero and kill him if he starts showing signs of falling, and his former Sensei; Cross Kaien, who also questioned him about one Kuchiki Byakuya, which the dark haired rouge Hunter lied about, saying that Kuchiki Byakuya was trustworthy, made his way towards Cross Academy.

This is gonna be interesting. Toga thought idly.


In the Headmasters Office, Yuki was given a bracelet, from Kaien, while Zero was given a knife, which she used to draw her own blood before allowing a single drop of said blood to fall onto Yuki's bracelet, and a red shimmer flashed on the diamond briefly.

Yuki looked back up at Zero with a determined look in her eyes. I'll protect you. I'll be your ally, Zero. She silently vowed.

"This is a Spell used by Vampire Hunters long ago to tame Vampires."Kaien stated, grabbing Yuki's hand, which the bracelet was on."The bracelet I gave you, Yuki, and this tattoo work together."Kaien explained, not knowing that Zero never actually got a real Tamer Tattoo. 

However with the Spell that Zero put on her neck, the fake tattoo glowed, along with the diamond, when Kaien brought Yuki's hand up to her neck. The next thing they knew, Zero was pinned down to the ground by glowing, binding, daggers. Although the tattoo was not real, Zero knew that with her blood being bound to an item, the Spell would work regardless.

That hurt! Zero mentally screamed, wincing at the pain in her back, knowing that she'd have bruises for a while from how hard she had been pinned to the ground and grimaced at feeling the daggers in her shoulders and knees. Byakuya is gonna be pissed that I allowed this to happen.

"Zero!"Yuki gasped with a guilty and worried look on her face while Kaien merely smiled like an idiot.

"He's fine, he's fine."Kaien chirped, causing Zero to glare at how happy he sounded."It just immobilized him for a bit. Yuki-chan, if Kiryu-kun tries to bite anyone again, stop him."Yuki glanced from at Kaien then at the bracelet and finally, back at Zero, who looked annoyed."It's on the condition that Kaname-kun let Zero remain in the Day Class."

"Kaname-sempai agreed...?"Yuki trailed off questionably in a soft voice, remembering her talk with Kaname the other day.

"Kaname-kun just couldn't turn down dear Yuki-chan's request, I guess."Kaien bent down by Zero."I'm sorry."Kaien apologised to Zero."I really don't like doing things like this. So please, settle for this."He held out a box of Blood-Tablets."And if you still crave blood"Kaien suddenly bared his own neck to Zero, stunning her."my blood is all yours-"Zero's eyes darkened and she started to punch Kaien."Ah, so you can move now, Kiryu-kun?"Yuki winced when Zero suddenly kicked Kaien hard enough for him to go flying into the wall.

Zero stood up, fixing her tie and started to walk towards the door."Zero!"Yuki suddenly exclaimed, causing Zero to pause."Um-It's ok."Zero stopped her from saying anything but didn't turn to face Yuki.

"This is fine."Zero stated before she walked out of the room.

"Not fine."Came Kaien's pained voice causing Yuki to look over at him."Yuki-chan, watch over Kiryu-kun. Otherwise, that man will..."Kaien trailed off.

"'That man'?"Yuki echoed, confused and curious, but Kaien fell unconscious.


Zero, who was going to meet up with Byakuya in the woods, by the stables, froze at sensing a familiar Hunter's aura standing right behind her before she relaxed. 

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