Sinful Love- The Woman of the Woods

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(Y/n)'s eyes widen in surprise. Not expecting the woman to get this close.
  " I- hello?" (Y/n) stuttered.
(Wait did she call me pretty ?)
  "What is such a pretty thing like you doing so deep in these woods ?" The woman said as she reached up to roll a curl of (y/n)'s hair between her fingers.
(Y/n) looked from the woman's hand in her hair back up to her face. This woman was very strange and made (y/n)'s heart race. She couldn't decide in a good or bad way yet.
" I'm looking for my sister miss," (y/n) said quietly, "she's wandered off and I can't find her."
The woman's eyes widened a little, however I couldn't place if it was because she was surprised or thought the statement was funny. The woman the looked around my face almost inspecting me. I felt nervous under her gaze. She then looked me in my eyes as if just then she remembered what I had said.
" Oh you sweet thing, however no child who enters this forest ever comes out, you should know that." The woman said sweetly.
"What?!" I said in shock.
"Oh worry not dear you are in no trouble. What is thy name?" The woman asked.
" I- it's (y/n)," I said with a pause, "and you?".
The woman's face lit up with a grin that resembled a Cheshire Cat.
"(Y/n) ! What a beautiful name! Mine is Sarah. Sarah Sanderson."
Her name was quite pretty in return, however it sounded familiar. (Y/n) couldn't quite remember from where though.
(Y/n) smiled a little, " You have quite a lovely name as well Sarah."
Sarah lit up and practically bounced at hearing this.
"No one has called my name lovely before!" Sarah exclaimed.
"We'll it is," (y/n) said " If you don't mind me asking Sarah, why arth thy in these woods ? Surly if you know the dangers you wouldn't be here."
Sarah giggled. "You have no need to worry for me (y/n) you could say I practically live in these woods."
"Oh... then are thy sure you haven't seen my sister around here?" (Y/n) asked still concerned.
"Oh forget about her my pretty pet, I wish to know more about you.~" Sarah sighed while raping her arms over (y/n)'s shoulders getting inches from her face.
(Y/n)'s face turned a shade of red almost as dark as Sarah's lipstick. No one had gotten this close to her, let alone a woman. (Y/n) didn't know how to react. In her mind she knew it was sinful to get this close to any woman. The pastors always preached it to be wrong. However (y/n) first thought wasn't that it was wrong, just that Sarah had beautiful eyes and how warm her arms felt wrapped around her.
"I- I-" (y/n) stuttered. Her fingers twitched wanting to hold Sarah's waist. But just before she could say or do anything she heard a call in the distance.
Sarah almost immediately backed away and turned her head toward the voice in the distance.
"Dammit, just when things were getting fun." Sarah muttered. "I'm sorry (y/n) but I must go, and you must get out of these woods."
"But," (y/n) replied " I don't know my way out, and what of you? Will I be able to speak with you again?"
(Y/n) didn't know why she said what she did. She should be frightened of this woman. Of how strange she appears, however this made her wish to know more of her.
Sarah however seemed to love her asking this. She smiled and said; " Go south, back that way and keep straight and you will find the village. As for me I promise you will see me again, I will find you."
Again the voice called out. "Sarah!"
Sarah quickly kissed (y/n) on the cheek before turning and running away, disappearing into the woods.
(Y/n) was left however a blushing mess. With a hand on her cheek leaning against a tree to make sure she didn't have a heart attack. Sarah was quite a spectacle.
After a few moments of finally composing herself (y/n) remembered how Sarah said to get home, and she started to wonder south. She couldn't stop thinking about that conversation though. In a bad way it almost made her completely forget of her sister.
She finally found the edge of the forest and saw her settlement.
She stumbled into town bruised and dirty. A red lipstick stain on her cheek. And a beautiful witch on her mind.

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