Sinful Love- Witches Coven

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After a few minutes of walking she finally saw it through the trees. It was a cottage however it looked nothing like the ones in her town. It had a water system through a little creak and a brick chimney sputtering out grey smoke.
Sarah continued to drag her closer and closer till she was nearly in front of the cottage.
  "Are you sure this is a good idea?" (Y/n) finally questioned Sarah and she tightened her grip on her hand.
  Sarah stopped and looked back at her in surprise and then smiled. "My sisters may be a bit much at first," she said slowly, " however I wish to show thy my family and that thy have nothing to fear."
  (Y/n) tightened her face. She didn't know if she quite believed that, but she did care for Sarah and if she wanted her to meet her family then she had no other choice.
  Sighing (y/n) nodded and stepped forward allowing Sarah to lock arms with her and lead her up onto her porch. She knocked three times on the door before opening it slowly.
  "Sisters?" She questioned loudly.
(Y/n) quickly stepped behind Sarah as she heard a loud squawking come from inside.
  "SARAH! Where hath thy been!?"
Sarah slowly stepped inside and dragged (y/n) along in behind her.
  "Winnie, Mary. I have something or rather someone for you to meet!"
  Her sisters glared at her in confusion till Sarah slowly side stepped allowing them full view of (y/n). All three of them stared at each other with wide eyes till (Y/n) let out a awkward grin and small wave.
  Winnifred (who (y/n) assumed was the red head) huffed and turned to Sarah.
  "What have I told thy about bringing people back! Especially without telling me!"
  Sarah's eyes went wide before she thought of her answer. While she was doing that Mary and  (y/n) were practically having a staring contest with (y/n) to afraid to look away as Mary stared into her soul.
  "You said not to Winnie, but she's different I promise! Can I keep her ? Please ! She'll be no trouble at all I promise!" As Sarah was begging she wrapped her arms around (y/n)'s shoulders and made herself grow puppy dog eyes, like a child trying to keep a puppy.
  Winnifred's eyes darted to (y/n) and she looked her up and down.
(Y/n) decided that it was probably best to say something.
"I do promise I am no trouble and no harm to thy."
Winnie mockingly laughed. "Oh little one I know you are no harm but what happens when thy village come after thy? Hmm? While they care not for children surly they will for an adult."
(Y/n) though about it. It would make sense for the village leaders to be concerned if she went missing. That would mean in their minds that the witches would start going after adults and not just children so they would have to take action. But she also thought about how she left mad at her aunt. They could also just assume (y/n) left.
"they won't." (Y/n) started, "I am not important to the village. I also refused marriage so I am outcasted."
Winnie's eyes went wide at this. Then she started to think, with her long fingernail tapping her chin.
"See Winnie! She'll be no trouble at all! Please ?" Sarah said excitedly.
Winnie huffed in annoyance. "Fine! However she must work for however long you plan to keep her. I also don't want to hear any word from thy unless I ask understood?" Winnie towered over (y/n) and Sarah.
"Understood." (Y/n) gulped. What had she gotten into ? Sure she couldn't go back to the village but was living as a pet to Sarah really her best option? Before she could finish her thought Sarah grabbed her hand and tugged her to follow.
"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Winnie! Come on (Y/n) I'll show thy around !" Sarah said dragging (y/n) off.
Sarah showed her all around she showed (y/n) the shelves of potion ingredients which made (y/n) grimace. She showed her a rats tail saying it was special and finally she dragged her off to a small room.
It was dark and lit with only a candle and there were jars of all sorts of spiders and animals.
(Y/n) almost had a heart attack. Sure she knew Sarah was a witch but she didn't think that she would be this .. witchy? (Y/n) didn't mind the spiders much it was more so how cold and dirty the room was.
"What do you think?" Sarah asked happily as she sat down on her bed with a creak.
(Y/n) looked at her trying to find the right words without hurting her feelings.
"It's nice.. just a bit cold. Do you like spiders?"
Sarah perked up happily at the question.
" I do! I find the furry ones the cutest as well as the poisonous ones!"
(Y/n) held up a smile and sat beside her on the bed.
"I like the cute jumping spiders personally." (Y/n) said trying to relate to Sarah's interests.
Sarah smiled. "I don't think they are as cute as thy." She lifted her hand and moved a piece of hair behind (y/n)'s ear.
(Y/n) felt her heart melt and genuinely smiled.
"Thy are too sweet Sarah." (Y/n) said. She moved closer and leaned on her shoulder hoping it would be okay. Luckily Sarah pulled her closer and rested her head on top of hers.
Maybe it wasn't a bad idea after all (y/n) thought.

Authors note:
I am so so so sorry for the long wait. I lost so much motivation and got so into the Wednesday show. I will be continuing the story however chapters may be late. I hope everyone enjoys! The next chapter will have more interaction with Sarah!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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