Sinful Love- Morning of Haze

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The sunshine created a warm texture upon (y/n)'s face when she first started to stir. The birds in the trees above had not been much help in keeping quiet as they noisily chirped about while the leaves upon the trees crinkled with the blowing breeze.
When finally feeling the weight on her (y/n) finally opened her eyes to look around. First she adjusted her eyes to the light then looked around to remember that she was on the forest floor. Finally looking down she saw an enchanting sight.
Sarah and her, in their sleep, had moved into a position where Sarah was laying her head on her chest while her arms and legs were intertwined with (y/n)'s. Sarah's blonde hair glistened in the light while her face was as peaceful as a sleeping kitten. (Y/n) could even hear a quiet snore coming from her as her back moved up and down from her deep breaths.
   (Y/n) could feel her stomach flip and her heart contract at the sight of her. Slowly without thinking she moved her arm from where it rest wrapped around her and started to play with Sarah's long locks of hair. It was calming and almost humanizing in a way, the way they she was able to do such intimate acts with her even while asleep.
  Regardless of if they did only meet a few moons ago it seems as if she has lived a life time with her. Before she could finish such thoughts however she could feel Sarah start to stir and come alive to the world.
Sarah blinked her eyes a couple of times before lazily looking up to see (y/n). She smiled a goofy smile before plopping her head back down on (y/n)'s chest to continue staring at her.
"Good morning beautiful~" her raspy morning voice shined through sending shivers down (y/n)'s spine.
  "Good morning dear."
Sarah moved up closer to rest beside her and wrapped her arms back around her. The forest had gotten chiller within the crisp morning. Causing them both to shiver closer together.
  "I never asked dear but what made you run into the woods and find me?" Sarah asked remembering last night.
  (Y/n) pursed her lips in remembrance. Sarah had made her completely forget of her fate. Her fate of returning to her aunt and home. Only to be forced to marry a man most likely older than her. Her stomach churned at the thought and she gripped tighter on Sarah.
  "They- they wish for me to marry." (Y/n) spoke quietly.
  Sarah removed her head from her shoulder to look at her face in a surprised manner.
  "Of course I knew this was to come," (y/n) continued, " I am 19. If anything I should have been married off years ago. However the thought of marriage repulses me."
  Sarah looked her in the eyes then sighed.
    "My sister had the same fate when we were younger, she was to marry a boy who she did not love. When she refused she was to be separated from me and our other sister, however we ran away to these woods instead. Now we are outcasts and the village people fear us."
   That's when it clicked in (y/n)'s head. What should have clicked when she first heard Sarah's singing and saw her in the light.
  "Thy- thy are a Sanderson? Of the Sanderson witches?"
(Y/n) scooted back an inch. She suddenly remembered all the rumors, all the stories of the witches of the woods. The Sanderson's who cursed the settlement and steal the children of Salem. Her sister.
   Sarah looked at her in shock and fear.
        "Please my love let me explain." 
   She reached her hand out to grab her hand. But (y/n) moved it before she could.
"Tell me Sarah. I beg of thee to tell me the truth."
  "Anything." Sarah whispered rasping.
"Did thy take my sister that night." (Y/n) looked her in the eyes searching for an answer.
  Sarah looked back in surprise. Then after a pause she spoke. Still looking at her in the eyes.
  "I did not. I promise thy, I did not."
Though she did not know Sarah for long she had no reason to not believe her. If anything she craved her to say those words. Sighing she rested her head on Sarah's shoulder and sat there in silence. 
   Sarah played with her hair and stroked her back while she sat there recouping herself. 
  Sarah finally hummed and moved to stand up.
    "Where are you going?" (Y/n) asked.
"Come," she said as she offered (y/n) her hand, "I wish to show you something." 
  (Y/n) took her hand and heaved herself upwards. She then dusted herself off and followed Sarah still holding her hand. After a few minutes (y/n) finally questioned her.
  "Where are we going?" She asked.
"My home. I wish for you to meet my sisters." Sarah said with a smile.
For some reason (y/n) felt her anxiety rise. It was a bit soon to meet her family. But she didn't really have anywhere else to go. So she hummed and tightened her grip on Sarah and continued.


Authors note:
Sorry for the wait! Has been a hell of a time in my life that I will not go into detail for! But I hope you all are well and enjoy! 
Much love to all <3

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