Sinful Love- The First Of Many Kisses

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Slowly Sarah started to take of the layers of (y/n)'s dress. She eventually got to her skin. Sarah stared longingly at her delicate pink flesh and slowly started to move her hands along (y/n)'s breasts. Her nails causing tickled (y/n) causing her to get goose bumps.
  "You're absolutely stunning pumpkin."
"And thy are radiant Sarah."
Sarah smiled genuinely and leaned down to slowly started to trace (y/n)'s color bone with her lips. Moving down inch by inch till she got to the middle of her breasts. She looked up into (y/n)'s eyes this time not with wanting consent however instead with more longing and desire clouding them. (Y/n) looked back at those eyes mirroring the same lust. And with that Sarah quickly kissed her nipple. Slowly she started kissing seductively and licking her with a passion, while her hand was fondling and teasing her other boob.
(Y/n) moaned and gripped tightly on the back of Sarah's hair with one hand and the tree she was laying on with the other.
   Sarah couldn't help herself as she thought that (y/n) tastes delectable, she was even sweeter than she thought she would be. She wanted to devour her. To tease and play with her forever. She wanted all of that and more. She wanted (y/n) to be hers and she wanted to be (y/n)'s.
   Coming back from these thoughts though Sarah realized thy she absolutely bruised and marked all of (y/n)'s chest. She also looked up to see her panting hard with her eyes cloudy. Sarah also saw however how tired (y/n) was. Sarah of course loved to stay up at all hours of the night but she did recognize that the normal people of Salem did not.
  As much as she wanted to continue. To eat her beloved she knew there would be another time, when (y/n) would be able to appreciate it more and when she could do even more devious things her her body. Sarah would love to tie her up, gag her, mark her all over and let her bleed so she could clean her up and hold her.
  Sarah was however getting ahead of herself. (Y/n) needed to acclimate to such ideas and Sarah wished to get to know more of (y/n) before this.
  So Sarah stopped her pursuit and held (y/n)'s face as she looked into her eyes.
  "Thy are tired darling we should let you rest for tonight."
  (Y/n) looked at her surprisingly and smiled softly and she pushed closer to her hands.
  "Only if thy stay with me" she whispered.
"Of course moonshine."
Sarah helped lift (y/n)'s dress back up and set the flower crown she made for her next to them and they layed up against the tree. Sarah layed in (y/n)'s lap surrounded by her arms. Sarah inhaled (y/n)'s scent quietly and realized she smelled of freshly baked bread, lavender and she smelled very earthly. She smiled as she nuzzled closer into her.
  "I've never done this with someone." Sarah said quietly.
  "What do you mean hun?" (Y/n) questioned.
  "I mean I've never hugged someone like this. Everyone either just wishes to have fun with me and leave or they are to afraid of me." Sarah said solemnly.
  (Y/n) hummed in acknowledgment and tightened her arms around Sarah and she kissed her forehead.
  Sarah looked up as (y/n) spoke: " well if you wish we could do this every night? That way I can give thy all of the hugs you have missed."
  Sarah's eyes grew wide. And she smiled. This girl really was special she thought.
Sarah kissed her hand and giggled. "Yes please!" 
  They both laughed and slowly started to bathe in the comforting silence.
  Still giving each other secret kisses as they drifted into slumber under the brilliant moonlight. 

-Author's Note-
So sorry for the short chapter after such a long wait. I've been super sick for the last few days. I'm also sorry about cutting the smut into fluff however I got into a rut where the last thing I wanted to write about was smut. (I am Asexual so it's hard to write about sometimes). I do promise to give you something later on though. Thank you all and I hope you all had a Happy  Halloween! <3

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