Sinful Love- Dreams of Sin

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  When she reached her house she had passed several people who starred at her and her rough appearance. None had said a word however. (Y/n) walked through her door to find her aunt sitting and the wooden table in the kitchen, head in her hands. (Y/n) quietly walked closer.
  "Aunty?" (Y/n) spoke quietly.
(Y/n)'s aunt quickly looked up and had a rush of relief. She got up off of the bench and ran to hug (y/n).
"Oh (y/n)! I was so worried about you!" She exclaimed. "I saw you and your sister were missing and I searched all over the village I had sworn the witches had taken you!"
(Y/n) hugged her tighter putting her face on her aunts shoulder. While she was fine and home. She had no clue where her sister was. And instead of finding her she found a flirtatious woman. She felt guilty. Like she should have done more.
  "Where is thy sister?" She asked moving her head to try and find her.
"Oh Aunty!" (Y/n) broke down. " I tried to find her. I did but I couldn't."
(Y/n) started to cry in her arms. Her aunt held her for a few minutes not saying anything. Finally she let out a sigh and pulled away putting her hands on (y/n)'s shoulders.
  "It's not your fault," she said " children go missing more then the people of this town like to admit." She looked hard into (y/n)'s eyes.
"I know it hurts but this is not something to keep hurting yourself over, go clean up and rest." She moved her hand to (y/n)'s cheek wiping away her tears and a red stain. Which she though was either blood or a type of berry juice.
(Y/n) didn't have the heart to not comply, she went to clean herself up. She washed her face and her cuts. Got the twigs out of her hair and took off her slightly tworn dress. She sat down on her bed in her nightgown and lit a candle on her nightstand. Laying down she stared at the ceiling. Body exaughsted but mind still up thinking of her sister and the woman from the woods. Was she a dream? Was she the witch who took her sister? (Y/n) had so many questions with so little answers.
As she lay slowly going to rest though, the main thing she questioned was if she would truly see Sarah again. And if maybe she could be pierced by her eyes in a different manner.
I felt the warmth of a hand. It was soft. The nails of the hand slowly started to circle my cheek. I opened my eyes to find crystal blue ones gazing down at me. A devilish grin appeared.
"Sarah?" I questioned. Moving my hand to rest on hers.
I got no response just a giggle. Then she slowly started to move closer. She got onto the bed slowly letting the mattress creak. Placing both legs on either side of my stomach and moving both hands to the sides on my head.
I gulped and slowly started to move my hands on her hips. I was afraid to touch her even though I wanted nothing more. She inches closer to my face. I could feel her warmth breathe on my face and smell her perfume. It was an intoxicating aroma.
Slowly she moved her head to the side and started to leave little pecks on my neck. I shuttered and grasped harder on her waist. The fabric of her dress was soft. Her blonde locks slowly started to drift off of her shoulders tickling my face.
I slowly moved my hand to tuck the strands behind her ear. As her kisses slowly started to get more aggressive and sloppy. I don't know what came over me but a sound I have never made before left my lips, I moaned low and soft. Quickly I slapped my hand to cover my mouth and could feel my face burning.
Sarah quickly grabbed my wrist and slammed it down above my head moving her face to stare deeply into my eyes.
"I never said you could cover those lovely sounds of yours pet. Did I?"
The sound of her voice made my heart practically jump out of my chest.
Sarah moved her other hand to grab my throat. It was gentle but also with enough pressure to make me in-hail quickly. This was all so new and I couldn't help but love it all.
"Answer me when I ask you something." She demanded
I stuttered trying to speak "No Sarah I'm sorry."
She put more pressure on my throat "Good girl."
She leaned in and finally kissed me. I couldn't help but mewl at her soft lips. She slowly started to get fiercer and more hungry with her kisses. It felt as though I was being devoured. Sarah started to slowly push her tongue in my mouth. It felt warm and I could feel my body heating up as our tongues fought for dominance. Sarah obviously already won this battle. She let go of my throat and slowly escaped the kiss. Leaving a trail of out saliva and leaving me panting.
Sarah smiled and let go of my wrist and moved it back to my cheek. I pushed my face into it desperate for her touch. She laughed at this.
"Oh (y/n) if only this weren't just thy dream."
I widen my eyes and slowly everything went black.
I gasped as I quickly sat up and looked around. I was in my bed. But there was nobody else around. Slowly I laid my head back down and covered my eyes. I was a true sinner. Having sex dreams of a woman I met once in the woods. It was going to be a long day.

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