"The one"

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You look at your phone with a grinning smile.

"Who ya smiling at riley" Hailey looks at me with a smirk

"A guy I like" you stare at my phone

She puts her arm around me and hugs  me tight and stares at my phone

"Adorable the ugly person finally got a crush on my ex" she whispers in my ears.

My body about to collapse my kidneys are weak her ex! What I'm so confused she would of told me we been friends forever.

"What do you mean" you stumble your words

"I mean you have a crush on someone who lets say lost my v card to" she giggles and kicks my back.

You are confused and upset she has to be lying you text "the one". Asking if he dated anyone named Hailey. You stare with your eyes bulging onto the three dots going up and down.


Your eyes starts to tear up as you walk home to you falling onto your bed and having a full on meltdown, the bad side of meltdown is everyone can hear you. You  burry your face into your pillow like a badger digging a hole. You hear hear your door creak.

"Riley do you want to speak" ranboo touches your shoulder and sits by the bed next to your sad body.

"Y.. e.ah" you sniffle you nose and hug him.

"Whats wrong my lil riley" he fixes your hair.

"Well I like someone-"

"I never thought you would fall in love". He says in a sarcastic tone.

You nudge him making him fall onto the bed and you both giggle. Tommy walks in the room holding a piece of papers of the homework.

"HA I did it" he shouts loudly then suddenly stop speaking as he sees you to giggling.

"Really having fun without me?"their right trios never work out". He looks on the floor sadly in a joke.

"Come over here you big ass baby" you open your arms wide for an huge.

He jumps onto the bed and all of you guys do a pillow fight until 16:20. You and tommy go off to college

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