The sad college

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You go into class with the freezing  cold atmosphere. You body shivers as you tried to write down notes in maths, you look across the room to see tommy making funny faces. You couldn't stop giggling until the teacher told you to stop.

Maths was boring you have bad taste in subjects. For time to pass by you go to the uni sex toilets just to go on your phone. You then see "the one" fixing his hair and giving you looks.

"You don't need to stare at me you know"? You turn your back to him

"Never knew you were a bitch riley why don't you be a bit nice"? He trys to apologise

You just ignore him watching tik tok trends until you hear his shoes walking out of the door. You heart beats so fast your heart explodes with excitement.

"Your the one telling me not stare." You could hear in his voice that he is smirking.

You roll your eyes and you get a call from ranboo.Its just about him making sure if I was okay because of my meltdown. I love having a bestfriend who cares so much about me.

You enter the room again to the teacher talking about how useful maths is. Lesson ends and your just talking to Tom in the cafeteria while you eat a little

"Your song sounds absolutely shit" he pretends to spit.

"Why should I even ask you you have shit taste in music". You answer back.

He scoots his chair back and an awkward silent begins. You two just look depressed and tired.

"Just one more lesson" he groans.

"Stop complaining 4 year old" you kick his leg. You could tell he was about to scream at you.

"You literally complained about it a minute ago" he looks you up and down. Before I could say anything the bell goes.

"The one" took music aswell lucky you sit next to him. You always keep seeing him take quick glances at you which make you a bit confused. However this lesson felt different. Mid of the lesson he kicks your chair.

"What" you whisper

"Do u want to play minecraft after I heard your pretty good and lets say im better then dream himself". In a confident tone.

You look him up and down "sure".

You feel happy you finally get to play minecraft with your crush as you never have. The bell rings.

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