Fen'ghil'lan (Dragon Age)

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Name: Fen'ghil'lan

Nickname: Fen

Alias: The Scarlet Witch

DOB: Unknown

Age: Unknown

- physically, she resembles a young woman in her early 20s.


Species: Elven (Ancient)

Height: 5ft 8

Hair: Red

Eyes: Grey-Green

Class: Mage

Class: Mage

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Solas/Fen'Harel (Father)

Ladanelan (Mother; deceased)


Not much is known about Fen'ghil'lan's early life, other than she was born to Solas and Ladanelan in Skyhold where she spent much of her youth with her parents. In her teenaged years, Fen'ghil'lan joined her father's rebellion, aiding him in fighting back against the Evanuris. This resulted in the murder of her mother in retaliation. Which caused the rebellion to swell in size and determination. With Fen'ghil'lan becoming a gifted and prolific general which brought her to the forefront of the Evanuris' attention. She was captured and imprisoned.

By the time he reached her, she was gone. Transformed into a lyrium idol which depicted Solas and Ladanelan and their doomed love as a way to mock him. Her capture was also used as a distraction, whilst Solas was busy trying to find and save his daughter, the Evanuris killed Mythal.

Solas placed the idol deep underground in the Valdasine Thaig, to protect it before he sought justice by trying to kill the Evanuris. He failed. So he created the Veil to banish them forever. The act was referred to as "holding back the sky" and was performed in Skyhold. Solas himself was greatly weakened and fell into a centuries-long slumber.

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