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"Whether you succeed or not is irrelevant, there is no such thing. Making your unknown known is the important thing." - Georgia O'Keefe.

n a m e: Kiyoshi Matsumoto

g e n d e r: ♂ male

a g e: 17

b i r t h d a t e: June 12th

s e x u a l i t y: Demisexual, prefers boys romantically [ seke~ ]

r e l a t i o n s h i p (s): ♡

s p e c i e s: Human

b a c k g r o u n d: Kiyoshi-kun grew up in the art district of Tokyo, surrounded by galleries, museums, studios, and everything you could imagine. It's a place he loves and holds dearly, because it's defined his whole life. He grew up, and still lives there in a small apartment building that's directly in the middle of the district. Before he started attending high school he would spend all his time just wandering around and gazing at the works of art and the artists; and realized that he wanted that same thing in his life. So, when he was about seven, he bought himself his first sketchbook. And somehow; over the years, he became brilliant at it. Though not in the way you'd expect. He doesn't create canvases decorated with oil paints, or sculptures made by calloused hands. Instead; he's a manga-ka, and specializes in drawing fluffy yaoi. Which has coincidentally made him sort of famous.

a p p e a r a n c e: He has a very sweet looking appearance towards him. Which tends to make him seem more serene and gentle when he smiles; which is often. He has dark brown hair with honey colored highlights mixed in, and is styled so that it falls in front of his blue-green eyes. Thick black plastic frames cover his eyes, and are prescription oriented, they're not for style reasons. He is average height, 5'7", tan, and has a slim frame. He tends to wear casuals clothes: brightly colored shirts, and jeans, paired with vans or converse. He also has a few freckles on his cheeks and nose.

p e r s o n a l i t y: He's sweet looking appearance matches his even sweeter personality. He loves taking care of people, though he tends to have a bit of anxiety in social situations, so he can come off a bit awkward. Though, he does have a small bit of stubbornness in him that comes out when people tell him he can't do something. He's very protective of the people he cares about; which is almost everyone. In short Kiyoshi-kun is a precious ( albeit attractive ) baby who needs to be protected.


> loves cats. just cats. there's never enough cats.

> has a side job where he models

> his way of making someone feel better is drawing cute little doodles on sticky notes and placing them everywhere that person could possibly find them

> works part time at a coffee shop for some extra cash

> though he's demisexual, he has a shitload of kinks..

> would totally call his s/o his "muse"

> has a lot of followers on tumblr, instagram, twitter, and all those social media sites

> also based off an AU in a rp *coughs* Bitter_Mornings

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