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toujurs pur; always pure.

n a m e: Yuu Hayashi

g e n d e r: ♂ ♀ gender-fluid/non-binary. hasn't really decided yet.. [ uses they/them pronouns mainly. but won't be offended if you use either he/him or she/her, but perfers he/him if you had to choose one. ]

a g e: 16

b i r t h d a t e: April 8th

s e x u a l i t y: Bisexual [ uke.~ ] has a preference for males

r e l a t i o n s h i p (s): ♡

s p e c i e s: Human

b a c k g r o u n d: Yuu-kun lives with his elderly grandmother and older sister in a village a few train stops away from Tokyo. But it doesn't mean he's had a very quiet life. His parents died when he was still a baby, leaving him in the care of his grandmother when he was still a toddler. Though, Yuu was a very artistic child, ever since he was little. For example: he'd spend hours working on art projects, helping his sister figure out what to wear and how to do her hair, and eventually became president of his high school's art club. When he came out as gender-fluid, he had a few people tease him about it. But all in all; he ended up okay, and he's still a pretty loveable person at his school.

a p p e a r a n c e: He has what you would call a petite sized frame. Making him rather skinny, pale, and fragile looking, as a result; he gets compared to a porcelain doll. His height is rather small, 5'2", and becomes rather bashful about it. Especially when he's being teased by his friends. His hair is a naturally snowy colored gray with a few silver highlights. But occasionally he tends to dye his hair in pastels: pinks, greens, purples, blues, etc.. for outfits..that can be difficult. Depending on his mood, he can either wear cute pastel colored shorts, a nice button up, or cute t-shirt. But if he's feeling feminine, he can occasionally wear a skirt with a pretty blouse, or a dress that is usually floral styled and has lots of pastel colors. He even matches things with the occasional accessory: flowercrowns, necklaces, rings, and hats.

p e r s o n a l i t y: In the Myers-Briggs terms, Yuu's personality is an isfp. Meaning: he's very shy, intelligent, and artistic. Most of the time he has a sweet smile on his face, and tends to be as helpful as possible. But he has a slight case of anxiety, which results in him having to have someone that he trusts around him almost always. If he's left alone around people he doesn't know, or someplace that he isn't familiar with, he will start to panic. Though, he's very awkward, and tries to always make a good first impression, and is very sensitive about certain issues ( lgbtq+ , feminism, people insulting his manga, etc.. ). But all in all; Yuu is a fragile child who needs to be loved and protected.


> Yuu is physically a boy

> his hair is currently dyed a silvery color at the moment

> runs a cute aesthetic and anime themed tumblr

> he giggles. not laughs, or chuckles, he giggles. like the precious baby he is

> his favorite candy flavor is watermelon or strawberry

> has a little birthmark behind his left ear that sort of looks like a star

> loves to give people cute nicknames. it's his favorite thing about meeting new people

> when it comes to the bedroom, he's very shy and innocent. but he has drawers full of adorable lingerie..

> slightly based off of an au I came up with Adaley and off of my personality

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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