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"My mind is a racing engine, tearing itself to pieces because it's not connected up with the work for which it was built." - Sherlock Holmes.

n a m e: Takahiro Morishige

g e n d e r: ♂ male

a g e: 19

b i r t h d a t e: January 19th

s e x u a l i t y: Homosexual [ uke~ ]

r e l a t i o n s h i p (s):

Bitter_Mornings The albino blushed and mumbled, "Hajime..h-he's my husband a-and my orchal edain nîn." his cheeks flushed lightly as he twiddled with the wedding band on his finger.

s p e c i e s: Human

b a c k g r o u n d: Takahiro is what you would call a "genius". He spent his childhood locked away with only his stuffed animals to keep him company. Well, that and his markers that traced the walls of his rooms and papers that littered the floors. Once he turned into a teenager he was allowed a tiny bit more freedom. He was allowed to wander around the house, but never leave, thus creating his curiosity for the world and to travel. But because he was a product of the Japanese government, and a high level secret because of his unusual intelligence, he's often targeted for assassination.

a p p e a r a n c e: He is in simple words, an albino. His skin is a snowy white color that closely resembles unblemished porcelain, that matches with his equally silvery colored hair. His eyes are what stand out the most, with it's unual light red color, that are usually covered up by his prescription glasses that his is almost ridiculously blind without. He has a rather petite and small frame that he's embarrassed about. He has a small beauty mark under his right eye that also adds to his adorable appeal~

p e r s o n a l i t y: Normally he is quiet and doesn't speak to many people, but when he does he's sweet and intelligent. He can state some really intense philisophical shit at the drop of the hat, which can usually stun a lot of people. But it he does it only to tease others, normally he doesn't talk really scientific-y. Normally he's shy and bashful, which results in the fact that he blushes a lot and tends to fidget with his hands.


> his favorite book series is Sherlock Holmes, and is also the reason why he decided to learn how to play the violin.

> he wants to be a teacher and earn a degree in teaching mathematical and astronomical physics

> has to wear prescription glasses sometimes, depending on how his eyes are

> has two little babies with Hajime, Namjoon ( nam-nam ) and Minho ( minie )

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