Chapter 4 Foreclosure Task Force

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Abydos Train Station/Platform 04

"You have arrived at... Abydos. Thank you for visiting and have a safe trip ahead." A voice reverberated across the existing hallways.

A gentle wind soothes the concrete halls of the platform, filth, and dust, combined with an old-fashioned Victorian-era style of the station, as the area is congested with so many people, immediately hurrying towards their next stop to prevent being late or leaving behind.

Amid the bustle produced by the people, Niko finally fled the place and proceeded to explore the region around him.

"I really can't believe that this place is huge; amid the deserted areas, some suburbs and their commercial districts are still fine, but not all; some places are ready to be either renovated or demolished by nature itself," he thinks while searching for water in his sling bag. But he discovered he had the wrong sling bag that housed his emergency provisions. But instead, he brought his documentation for his upcoming lecture at Hyakkaou Academy.

"Oh, sh**," Rin will kill me! "Niko muttered as he was panicky and moved carefully to find a soda machine around the neighborhood. He remembered what Rin warned him about the temperature in Abydos.


9:00 am

Schale Conference Room

"Remember, Sensei, Abydos gets hot as you reach the suburban region; the highest point got up to 50 degrees Celsius due to the calamity many years ago. If you don't carry water, you can either lose consciousness or have a heat stroke, which is really terrifying if you don't find any water in that area," Rin explained as she was packing Niko's supplies for the journey.

"The communications would be tricky because some areas where the main towers were once active were covered by sand, so we won't be able to contact you."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine," Niko said while arranging the items to be given.

"At the same time, I'll try to investigate the area."

"Just be safe, Sensei," Rin urged as she gave the sling bag to Niko.

"No worries, I will," Niko smirked.

End of Flashback

Niko is keeps running, searching for a soda machine but unable to find one. He starts to get weary and shows indications of dehydration as the temperature starts rising.

"Niko-sensei, temperatures are already at 38 degrees; please drink water to stay hydrated," his smartwatch warns him. Niko, on the other hand, shows signs of going to lose consciousness, and his point of view starts to feel dizzy. He still has the strength to reach the end of the area, and then a miracle happened. He saw a girl riding a road bike exiting the suburbs.

"Hey!" Niko cried. As he started racing towards the girl, she halted and observed Niko running towards her.

"Yes, sir, is there a problem? You seem sweaty," she questioned while seeing Niko is sweaty; his clothing are coated with sand, and he breaths heavily.

"Do you mind sharing your water bottle? I left my water bottle from home, and I forgot where I came from as I toured the suburbs," Niko questioned as he kneeled down, not for begging but because he was truly fatigued from all the running shenanigans he went to simply to find a soda machine.

"Uhm, sure," she said. She offered him the water bottle she had in her luggage. Niko drank it, thanking her many times, and she merely nodded.

"I guessed it was your first time here."

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