Chapter 4.1 Foreclosure Task Force

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Meanwhile, at the GSC Headquarters,

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I never thought that this would be the day you were interrogated harshly, but not from us this time but from them," Rin exclaimed as she swiveled her chair. when talking to Niko sensei through the screen.

Niko hesitantly told her. "I guessed it was required because they are at war right now, and who knows if it could be trusted or not? Luckily, I manage to acquire connections normally, but just in the moment.""

"But remember, Sensei, if there's anything odd during your stay, make sure to contact me so I can start my investigation," Rin stated as her demeanor shifted to deadly serious. "Something's not right here."

"Well, sure, I have to do briefly with them for a while and try to teach some lines of defense during my stay, Niko out." Niko merely smirked, smiling as if nothing occurred.---------------Niko tried exploring the area; to be specific, the school seems empty; not a single student roams the area; it feels too deserted; there's nothing but an eerie school of depression; and some parts of the school were washed out with sand. Was it really a school? Who knows. As I was about to finish exploring the area, I noticed the cat girl again, whom I had ridden a moment ago.

"Hi, my name is Shiroko. Sorry about what happened a while ago; I did warn her," she added as she dropped her head.

"Nah, it's okay; there's nothing to worry about," I said as she assisted me towards the meeting spot. As soon as we arrived, Shiroko entered first. "I'm back," she whispered gently.The room is plain, exactly like a normal classroom filled with shelves and cupboards. In the center is a large table, and behind it is a whiteboard and two sliding doors. Inside the room are three girls.

"Welcome back, Shiro. I'm so sorry, Sensei!!!" A black girl with cat ears cried. To be honest, she's somehow similar to Shiroko, but she's a black-ear one, where in her outfit is a dark blue over a white shirt and a tie while wearing a grey skirt. Her halo, however, is a red crosshair, which makes me wonder if halos are based on race or either school.

"Hmm, Hello sensei!" A girl with blonde hair says. Her green eyes caught my attention. I accidentally stared into her eyes, which caused her to blush. She wears a white shirt covering her bust. which I believe is the largest around them. On her arms is a light brown jacket, and she has a halo with two lime rings with raindrop shapes around it.

"Hi Sensei! I'm Ayane Okusora, thank you for receiving my urgent request! I apologized for what my team..uhm... did to you. "An elf girl with red glasses and a twin red halo, it seems she's their assistance from the back when they execute any operations. She seems like a smart one.

"Well, evidently, before we rush to the interesting bit, I'm Niko, a Sensei from Schale. Hello everyone! All four of the females' eyes widen in amazement.

"I told you he's not a thug from the outside!" Shiroko shouts.

"Quiet, Shiroko! We've been through this already!" the cat girl shouts.

"Yup, absolutely in flesh!" I say softly.

"Wow, this is so cool!" the blonde adds cheerfully.

"But a teacher? Shiroko asks gently, her eyes filled with a tiny amount of interest.

Well, I won't be surprised by that; I'm the only living sensei in this city.

"But that means we can finally have our ammo and supplies!" the elf girl replies.

"Well, about that," I simply indicated to the duffel bags that were already at the table. You just activated the duffle bag's speech code.

"Voice activation is required," the voice from the bag asks.

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