My favourite high

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Boris pov

"I got coke, wanna get high?" Potter said "High? How could you get high at a time like this potter!" "Is that a yes boris?" "Obviously it is." Potter laughed, I grabbed a credit card from my pocket and moved it from side to side to get rid of the lumps. I grabbed 2 straws and gave one to theo. "Bottoms up." I said "Bottoms up." We both snorted it and Potter almost sneezed "How do you always sneeze potter?" "Shut the fuck up man." We sat in silence for a moment till we both burst out laughing "Stay here potter, am going to grap my ipod." I said "Since when do you keep you stuff at my house." "Since forever."

Theos pov

Boris pulled open a drawer that I've never used, I was in complete shock. "I've never opened up that drawer in my life."I said "Yeah, thats why I keep my shit in there." "Damn boris getting a little aggressive there." He picked up his ipod and went through his music "Here you pick a song, I have no idea what to play." He handed me the ipod and I went through it while he untangled the earbuds. A lot of his songs were from Eminem, and he put classical music on for me awhile ago. But I picked a song called 'Rainbows & stuff' "Here play this, I've never used an ipod before." I said "Insane clown posse? Are you sure you don't want anything else?" He said "No it sounds good and I wanna try something else." We listened to the song and it was actually really good. "I didn't realize a song so bipolar could be good." I said "Yeah." He said. A new song started playing, it was something by queen no idea what though. Maybe the coke had hit and maybe I was high but I just couldn't seem to stop staring at Boris.

Boris's pov

We are just sitting on the carpet listening to music. We've been close before but I don't know this time if feels weird. Like my stomach is just going into knots, I've never been like this before. We are listening to queen because I thought he would like it. I feel potter staring at me, I look at him "What?" I say. He looks back to floor embarrassed. "What do you mean what? I wasn't doing anything." Potter said "Potter you can tell me anything. " He stares back at me and mumbles something. "You just look really good." "What did you say?" "Nothing, Boris." "No its fine, I heard you potter." "Oh" He looked at the floor again. I looked at my bed since I was on the opposite side of the room. I felt that feeling again, the nervous throwing up feeling. I looked away from him, my face was buring up. I looked good? I felt like a little girl kicking her feet up. But I knew it wasn't like that, he's just high. "Oh so your into emos?" I say. He gives a light laugh "Finally brave enough to say it, you emo." I looked at him with a smile and he did too. We stayed like that for awhile just looking at each other.

Theos pov

We've been looking at eachother for 5 minutes or so, I'm not even listening to the music anymore and I don't think boris is either. I finally relized why I feel this way about boris. It's that I love him, not in a friend way, not like a best friend way, but in a crush way. I could just get lost in those dark brown eyes and hold his cold hands forever. He looked away and so did I. "So potter, what do you want to do?" He seemed embarrassed "Mhm well I do have one idea." "Yeah?" "How about we go to popper and dye his tail!" "Popchyk would hate us, let's do it!" He runs to the bathroom and grabs some hair dye Xandra was going to use for Halloween, I get a bowl and a brush. "Quick boris grab popper and a camera!" I put the hair dye in a bowl and gave it to boris. I started recording. "Hi this is Boris Pavlikovsky and I'm here today showing you how to dye a dog's tail!" I continued to record all of it. We got done and Popper absolutely hated us but he still looked cool. "I don't understand why popper hates you boris, he looks so good!" "Real, I mean who wouldn't wanna look this swigty." "Swigty?" Yeah potter I'm trying to make it a new word, as you know I'm a trend setter." "Yeah well you can shove Swigty up your ass because that's fucking weird." "No you know you love it, your just in denial." "Uh huh sure boris."

Boris's pov

"What do we do now." I say "Want to go back to my room?" "Sure." We run upstairs. I check the time to find out it's 1 AM "how long was that video you took potter?" "2 hours." "Wow." I sat down on his bed while we used the bathroom. After 10 minutes he came out "I've got an idea. How about we play truth or dare." "Potter this isn't a girl's slumber party where we talk about boys and do each others hair." "Boris your sexist." "I didn't say I didn't want to do it?" "Okay truth or dare boris." "Truth." "Boo your no fun, uhm okay would you rather go blind or go deaf and why." "Oh deaf all the way, if I went blind I could see you. Or popchky." "Fair point." "Okay potter truth or dare." We played for an hour, in some point of the game I grabbed up some vodka. We were drunk and high out of our minds "Okay... boris truth or dareeeee." "DareeEEe" "I dare youuu tooo... kiss me." Kiss him? My stomach felt even worse than before. "Okay." I leaned in and kissed him on the cheek "Nooooo borisss the mouth!!!!" This is even worse "Are you sure about this?" "Yess!!" I took a moment just thinking about the last time we kissed and he didn't even realize.

Theos pov

He looked very uncomfortable when I asked him to kiss me. "Look Boris it's okay if you are uncomfortable, it was just a joke," I said "sorry I'm just drunk." After I said that he leaned in for a kiss. His lips were warmer then the rest of his body, my lips parted just enough that his tongue to slip inside. I grabbed his cold hand and he grabbed mine. We stayed like that for a few moments till he broke us apart getting up from the floor we were laying on. We just looked at each other blankly, I don't think either of us had experienced something like that.

Words : 1151

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