Was it just drugs?

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Boris' pov

I didn't mean to, I didn't want to let him go but he seemed so...mad. I started walking back to kotkus

(When he got there)

"Hey hey bor-" "YOU SON OF A BITCH!" "What the fuck did I do?" She said "YOU MADE THEO LEAVE!" "LIKE HELL I DID," she got up from the coach and stood Infront of me. "YOU WERE THE ONE WHO PUSHED HIM OUTSIDE, AND FOR WHAT? JUST SO HE WOULD LEAVE YOU." "KOTKU YOU DONT GET IT I LOVE H- uhm." "You know what Boris, it's fine. Just leave him alone, I'm sure he'll be fine," she was way to calm for this shit. "here babe I'll make us some food and we can forget all about him." Wait, babe? "What the fuck did you just say!?" "Let me make us food?" "No! Did you just call me... Babe?" I was so confused. "Ofcourse! I mean you are my boyfriend, so why not?" She started blushing for some reason.

Theos pov

When I got home all I wanted to do was die, I mean does he really think that little of me? So much that he was to do everything for me. He was just such an asshole! But he was looking out for me... UHGGG I think i made the wrong choice!!!!

I went up stairs and put my pajamas on, then I threw myself on my bed. I started sobbing. How could I fall for someone who would just leave me?

*Knock Knock*
"Hey bud," it was my dad. "you okay in here?" He walked in and sat right next to me. "Hey dad..." "What's wrong kid?" He, for once. Actually sounded like he wanted to hear me out. "Well it's just," I paused. "Boris and I had this huge fight over a- a girl!" "Ew yeah not fun. I get it though. When I was a young boy around your age I would like the same girls as my friends." He continued talking and I had no interest about hearing his problems. Plus it's not like I even like her, that's just the best bet of him not finding out. Yk what I mean?

Boris' pov

Her boyfriend? "Why the actual fuck would I be your boyfriend," she went to try and make an excuse. "no because I'm literally a child! I knew there was something off about you." "It's fine borry ;) we can make it work, call me in 3 years!

I ran out of there like there's no tomorrow. I had to go and apologize to Theo.

Theos pov

"Hey dad, im just gonna go on a walk. Bye." "We'll be home soon sport, dinners almost ready. And it's spaghetti nigh!" I walked for hours on end, or it felt like that. It was probably 30 minutes. I know it was stupid but I couldn't help but cry. My friends back in new York would call me 'weak' and 'sappy' and 'faggot'. They were right about 2 things. I like to think I'm strong but I cry over everything, especially being gay. I don't know I just think I would be easier if I settled for a girl instead. I just fucking hate everything!!!!

I started to get tired, maybe I could find a place to rest for a while. I looked for a few minutes but I found a beach under an old railroad track. "This will do!" I say trying to find a soft enough rock to lay my head.

I lay down in the only patch of sand which was about 6 ft wide and 4 ft in length.

Boris' pov

I walk to Theos house to apologize. When I knocked his dad answers. "What kid? Can't you see were eating dinner." "Hi, Mr. Decker! I was wondering if Theo was home." "No he's not, but if he was he probably wouldn't be talking to you." He says "What! Why?" I start to panic. "You know, over the girl," Oh my god, it is because of her. "if you see him bring him home, bye Boris." He shut the door before I could say anything else.

I went out to look for him now one if he's even alive. But still, I love him so dearly. I have to try!

Theos pov

I woke up and it was pitch black. "How long was I asleep?" I ask myself, not thinking anyone was near me. "6 hours." I hear voice behind me, but the voice sounds familiar. MOM!? "M...mom?" I turn back and it was her. "Morning Theo baby." I looked around and the blackness turned into the apartment. "Mom? I thought you were dead..." "Oh sweetie, it was probably a dream, I'm very much alive," I went to touch her hand and I felt her arm. Was it just a dream. "See?" "Wait mom, no it couldn't have been a dream! There's still Boris in there! I can't leave him." Soon then my dad walks in "Hey kiddo what's wrong?" "Oh he just had a nightmare, that's all. Honey there's no one we know named Boris." "No no mom you don't get it, dad was cheating on you and then you died! Then I lived with dad and-" "Sweetie, do you need to stay home today?" My mother says, touching my forehead with my hand.

After she lefts go of my forehead she gives a smile then disintegrates, and so does my dad. I wake up, i think just too hear people calling my name. I try to yell but nothing comes out of my mouth.

They start to leave but then I hear another sound. Not dogs, not people, not even Boris. But a loud sound, coming from the top of me. But the only thing above me was the old train tracks. The reason why the abandoned them was because they were old and made very poorly.

I hear the sound coming closer, and I realize thats it's a train coming at full speed. I start running away but it's too late, I make it halfway before a train falls on top of me.

I don't feel a thing, maybe I'm just tripping of acid. I try to move but my legs feel broken. Then everything becomes dark.

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