You drew stars around my scars

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(okay so uhm idk what to do on this part so I'm just gonna skip a little, k?)

Boris' pov

I found Theo, unconscious with a bottle of pills in his hands. I check his pulses and it varies from slow to fast every few seconds. I didn't know if he OD or he was just tripping or what! My brain got all fuzzy trying to think. I reached into my back pocket to see if I had anything, just anything to help him. All I had was so quarters, pocket lint, a small flashlight, and my phone.

I took my phone and opened it to call 911.

"911 what's your emergency?"

"Hi yes my name is Boris Pavlikovsky and I think my friend OD and I don't know what to do and-".

"Sir stay calm, do you know where you are."

"Uhm I'm under the old, abandoned bridge."

"Okay the ambulance is on their way, now I need to ask some questions. Has your friends pulse stop and if so how long."

"Uhm, no it hasn't stopped but it's been going up and down for the past few minutes."

"Okay, your doing very good Boris. Know I need to know what your friend took. Look at the bottle, do you see anything?"

"I believe me took Acid,"I started to hear the ambulance coming. "I believe I hear them!"

"Okay Boris."

I hung up and the police came down. They took me up then Theo. "Can I ride with him?" I say "They put me in the ambulance and lay Theo in front of me.

I start to feel the tears rush over me, when they asked me questions I would talk and feel a big lump in my throat.

We got there and I had to wait in the waiting room for 2 hours or longer. "Mr Pavlikovsky, you may come in." "Is he awake?" I ask "Not yet."

Theos pov

I wake up to a blinding light above me, I turn to my right and there I see Boris. Looking at me with his big brown puppy eyes. "Potter I-" I put 2 fingers up to his mouth In a shushing position. I look to my left and I see a doctor. "Morning Theodore, Boris has been here almost all night looking after you. Do you need anything?" I shaked my head no and she walks off.

I look up at the light then at Boris, then at the light. "What happened...?" Boris explained to me that i was fucking tripping balls and someone OD. "But my mom?" "Potter, it wasn't real." I want to cry, but I can't. I can't do anything I feel like. I'm stick in one place, one position. "I don't know what's real anymore."

Boris looks up at me. "Eh?" "I look up and down, and up and down, and up and down, and up and down and nothing.

The nurse's come back in and take Boris out of the room.

Boris' pov

I don't know what to do. God fuck this is all my fault, I shouldn't have given him anything. I shouldn't have let him go alone.

I sleep in the waiting room until another nurse comes and grabs me and takes me to Theo.

He seems calmer them awhile ago. "Oh Boris," He gets up and hugs me tight, I can feel him smile on my neck. "I'm sorry." I pull back away from him. "Sorry for what?" "Leaving you. I thought if I took all of them it would help me figure shit out but instead it killed me! I guess my heart stopped for 2 minutes." "The good thing potter, is your back."

I was with him every chance I could be, I felt like we talked more about everything when we were sober. It was nice, like weirdly comverting. We joked and laughed as normal.

Nurse's pov

Fucking faggots.

Theos pov

It was about 1 hour before I would leave this hospital and I was so excited to.  Just then Boris walked in with balloons and shit.

"What's this for?" He looked at me shocked. "You do not, remember?" "Remember what?" "Two month anniversary." "Oh shit Boris I'm so sorry, I've been busy with you know not OD'ing and it totally went over my head and I'm so sorry." I got cut off by his warm lips. "Chill out, I didn't expect you to get me anything. Want help packing?" He placed me on top of the nee and packed all my stuff for me. I thought to myself how did I get so lucky. Which supposedly wasn't so much in my head. Boris looked at me and smiled.

We walked out of the hospital and went to my house.

Word count: 794


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