Chapter Six

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you are strong but you’re needy, humble but you’re greedy.” A Beautiful Mess-Jason Mraz

Monday morning I go straight to Cathy. I don’t even bother to knock on her door, I just go straight in. She looks up at me when I enter, surprised.

“um, please sit?”

I was already ahead of her on that.

“so, what can I do for you?”

“I’m having guy problems.” I mumble. She looked confused so I guess she didn’t hear me.


“I’m having guy problems,” I look up at her but don’t meet her eyes.

Cathy literally jumps out of her seat, “really!?” like I said, she was just a tad bit over-excited about this. She realizes what she just did and sits back down, coughing. “so, uh, what’s the problem?” her smile still stayed in grinning mode.

I bite my bottom lip some, “when you kiss someone, is there supposed to be like, a spark?”

She narrows her eyes at me, like she’s trying to figure something out. “if it’s the right person, yes.”


“that’s not really a problem though Sky. Is there something else?” I look at the clock and realize I wouldn’t have time to tell her.

“um, I need to get to class.” I say, starting to get up.

“sit back down.” Cathy tells me, “I’ll excuse you from class.”

After that I tell her everything that went on Saturday. From meeting the family to the wedding to the kiss, everything.

“so at school and just around, Amanda and Ryan are a couple. But to his family you’re his girlfriend?”


“but you said that Amanda was at the house the other day.”

“well, his family was out of town.”


“it’s weird I guess. I never socialized with people and now I’m a fake girlfriend and a bridesmaid and just, ugh, a bunch of stuff that I was fine without.”

“All I can say is that he’s a good boyfriend…” Cathy tries being supportive.

“ha. As if. You’re forgetting that we were caught sleeping on the sofa together. And then the whole kissing this weekend.”

“that was for the play though.”

“It started out for the play, then his hormones took over. Trust me on that one.”

“boys will be boys. Plus everybody knows Amanda cheats on him, let him have a little fun himself.”

“you know, for a mother-figure you’re very okay with the whole sex thing. Actually, for a school principle you’re okay with it.”

Cathy sticks her tongue out at me and then the bell rings. I laugh and get up. “I’ll talk to you later Cathy.” I say before going into the over-crowded hallway.

Drama came too quickly. Even though I was more than ready for today, I also wasn’t even close. I mean, it was one thing to make out in the game-room and a total other to make-out in front of his girlfriend.

I was opening the door to the theater when I was pulled back. Ryan had a hold of my elbow and was pulling me over to the side.

His eyes narrow down at me, “you weren’t in Religion.”

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