part 32

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“Alright you guys!” Amanda said once everyone was onstage and ready. “We got some awesome people ready to come on!”

“Everyone this is Mimi! She was the one in charge of the awesome lights for tonight, there are gunna be more, so you should thank her in advance.” Stacey said into my mic.

Everyone cheered as Mimi came onto the stage.

“But we wouldn’t be here without three awesome guys. C’mon stage.” I said motioning for them to come on; they jogged on waving and cheering.

Shaun came up to me and placed his hands around my waist.

“You guys are lookin sexy!” he said over my shoulder “you know who else I think looks really sexy tonight Andy?”

“Stacey? Maddie? Amanda? Mimi? And you of course.”  Andy pointed at a fan that was standing close to the edge; she began to cry in happiness.

“yeah.” he laughed. “But I think that izzy here’s lookin good to.”

I blushed and changed the subject.

“How about you guys show us your love hearts!” everyone raised their hands.

“And what about those screams, you gotta make them nice and loud.” Andy added.

“Yeah, your voices have to be nice and warmed up.” Maddie agreed.

Then, as planned, everyone yelled “AND YOU GOTTA DANCE!”

The crowd screamed to the point where I thought they weren’t gunna be able to sing along.

“Ok guys, were gunna sing a song called sweet December! Hope you like our new version.” Shaun said, getting ready to play his guitar.

“You gotta sing nice and loud!” Amanda said.

“And we wanna see you dance!” Mimi screamed.

We launched into song, and like in practice, everything went well.

Except Andy fell off the stage again, I smiled as he walked past me.

He wasn’t gunna live that one down, I would make his life living hell.

But first I’d have to hide my guitar.

At the end of our time we were exhausted, jay’s grey shirt was soaked in sweat and bradies wasn’t looking much better.

But the best part of the night would when Shaun played one of my songs, it was the last song so it was slow, everyone was exhausted.

“Were gunna slow it down now. Izzy” he motioned for me to stand beside him, I obliged. “I want you to sing your newest song to everyone. You guys wanna hear it right?” the fans were up for anything.

“Only if you sing along.” I replied, and made my way to the middle of the stage.

What Shaun said in the van was right, they did like my songs.

The crowd was waving their arms as I sang, it was beautiful.

It was a perfect way to end the night, everyone was singing and talking about their favourite part as they left the room and made their way outside to wait for the routine meet and greet.

“Have fun out there.” I said kissing Shaun on the cheek.

“Oh no you don’t.” he got hold of my wrist and pulled me out to the fans. “They loved you as much as they loved me, trust me.”

I sighed and then smiled as everyone rushed towards us.

Apparently I already had a few fans; my smile never faltered as I tried to satisfy each one of them.

There were a multitude of pictures, hugs, and autographs.

When the fan base dispersed I was left standing in a corner with all the little gifts, each designated to someone on stage tonight.

Shaun came over to me, a guitar over his shoulder. “I got lucky tonight.” He said happily, showing me the guitar.

“Well that’s all you’re gunna get lucky with if you don’t help me carry all this stuff into the others.”

I said standing on my toes to kiss his cheek.

Stacey and bradie appeared they helped us take it inside.

Back in the hotel we spread all the gifts out, most of it was spiderman, which all went to bradie.

It was like Christmas all over again, the presents made me smile so much.

Even I received a few things.

At the end we pooled our presents, the weirdest one went to Andy, who received a bright pink lacy bra with a phone number on it; his expression was priceless when he opened it, but then getting over the embarrassment he turned comical and tried it on.

He fixed his hair and then borrowed Stacey’s jacket on the chair next to him.

“I’m Angelina Jolie!” he said in a fake female voice.

I laughed until my sides hurt, and I began to cry.

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