Part 57

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We finished our set time, singing sweet December at the end with Shaun.

There were still a few minutes left. So to add some spice to our set, we called Bradie and Andy up.

Smiling maddie played a few notes on her guitar and looked at Shaun.

Shaun laughed and retrieved his guitar from the wings, playing a rift when he came back.

“Ooooohhhh. It’s on!” maddie said playing another more complicated rift.

“Whoa! Looks like we got some competition here.” Amanda said taking my microphone, as Shaun played another introduction.

“Who thinks Shaun won?” Amanda said.

People screamed loudly. “Who thinks that Maddie won?” there were more screams.

“I think it sounds pretty even Manda.” I stated. She nodded and Shaun and maddie left the stage.

“What about you two huh?” Amanda said looking at me and Andy.

Andy looked at me and positioned his guitar so he was ready to play.

“Deal.” I said positioning my guitar like Andys and turning up my amp.

We grinned at each other and he played a few notes.

It was a flat out duel, the notes were so loud, making the stage vibrate with the deeply set notes of our songs.

“Are we calling this one even too?” Amanda asked the crowd.

People screamed in agreement.

Some fans at the front were declaring their love for Andy; they screamed even louder when he smiled and winked them as he walked off the stage.

Shaun came over to where we were standing and hugged me.

“Awesome idea.” He said, over the complicated drums patterns that Stacey and bradie were making.

“Ooooohhhh! Guys I think it’s even again!” Amanda said.

Stacey and bradie nodded at each other and walked off stage in opposite directions.

Amanda stayed on stage, “Guys you were so awesome tonight! Mimi what do you think?”

“I think that these guys were the best so far!” Mimi said appearing on stage. “Well done guys!”

Jay ran onto the stage and nodded at the two girls, “Ok, let’s see if you guys got any energy left.”

Amanda and Mimi left the stage, making way for the For Our Hero guys.

There was something I needed to set straight; I owed it to bradie and Maddie.

“Shaun I need you for a sec. Mimi I need you too.”

“Why?” they both asked me.

“I need to set the bradie and iz thing straight. I need a photo with me and Shaun; to make it look like me and bradie broke up. To show the fans that i'm with Shaun now; to try and make them believe it.” I turned to Shaun “see now were going public. No more problems.”

“hopefully.” He stated. “Ok. Where do you wanna do this?”

“Why not here?” Mimi stated, “Or do we want jimmy to do it? He is the photographer after all.”

“Nah, we’d want it to be like we just got busted somewhere. It can’t look like it was planned, or they’re still gunna think that izzy and Bradie are together.”

“Point taken.” Mimi agreed, pulling out her phone. “It looks like its planned here, so let’s find somewhere else. Ideas?”

“I know the perfect spot.” Shaun stated, taking my hand and pulling me to the place he was thinking of.

He opened the door outside and pulled me to the stairs out the front. He sat down, I sat beside him.

“How do we wanna do this?” I asked Mimi.

“Umm.” She said, placing one hand on her hip, thinking. “How bout, Shaun you give your jacket to iz. Iz make it look like you’re cold and out here for a break. Then, umm, I don’t know.”

“I know.” I said, I leant back on the stairs and pulled Shaun back with me. I kissed him softly.

There were camera clicks from Mimi’s phone and we sat up straight again.

“You sure you want to do this?” Shaun asked me as Mimi uploaded the picture to her twitter page.

“It’s too late now if she didn’t.” Mimi stated. “The pictures uploaded.

“Brace yourself for hatred then izzy.” Shaun said as I handed his jacket back.

“I’ve been through worse.” I said walking back inside.

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