part 17

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After the show finished, to loud screams from the fain girls at their feet and after showing off for a little while, the guys ran back stage and the curtains closed.

"That show was fucking awesome!" Andy said proudly.

"Glad to see you're in a better mood then you were last time." Said Stacey hugging him, messing up his hair and then wiping it on the towel he held because her hand was drenched in sweat.

"Back in a sec." bradie said slipping back out through the curtains, to give two lucky fans a minor heart attack from receiving one of his drumsticks.

Bradie was back within two minutes and had maddie in his arms.

I still couldn't believe maddie was that lucky, I wish something like that would happen to me.

But it never would, all the good things happen to maddie and Stacey.

Out the corner of my eye I saw Andy catch Shaun's attention then smile.

Shaun nodded and turned to me.

"So, izzy." He said taking a deep breath. "Have you decided when you want your birthday present yet?"

"Um, I, I don't know." I stuttered. I'd completely forgotten that it was my birthday, "Now?"

"This is gunna be awkward." I heard him say under his breath, then loud enough so the others could hear he said "do you trust me?"

"Of course I trust you." I said looking at him, curiosity and hints of anger in my voice.

"Turn around and close your eyes then." He said. "No peeking."

Just to make sure I didn't peek he put his jacket in front of me so I couldn't see where we were going, or where we'd been.

I heard a door open and we walked outside.

"Are your eyes still closed?" Shaun asked me.

"Yes." I lied, quickly closing them.

"Ok then." I heard a rustle of fabric as Shaun removed the jacket from my vision.

"Shaun what are you doing?" I giggled.

"You'll find out soon enough." He said; I could hear the smile in his voice.

Then I heard him whisper in my ear, feeling his breath on my neck I shivered. "Happy birthday izzy."

Before I could shiver away I started to say something.

I couldn't get it out though.

He was kissing me.

It only lasted about half a minute.

But still, it was a kiss, and from Shaun Diviney.

My thoughts were everywhere, they were scrambled beyond recognition.

"That wasn't part of the plan." He said stepping back from me.

"Oh." I said disappointment seeping into my voice as I lowered my head.

"Izzy. You, stupid girl." He laughed stepping towards me again and hugging me. "Just because it wasn't part of the plan doesn't mean I didn't like it."

"But you looked shocked." I said confused.

"Because I was. I don't really know what happened." He said, his confusion mirroring my own.

"Ok then." I said putting on a brave face. "Let's just say it didn't happen then, agreed?"

"Agreed." He said. "But anyway. Sticking to the plan." He handed me a small box.

I opened it. It was a silver chain with Maurice hanging from it, I turned it over. Happy 18th izzy it said.

"Shaun, it's beautiful." I stammered.

"And it's all yours" he smiled. "Now turn around so I can put it on."

He put it around my neck and I turned around smiling.

Shaun put his arms around my shoulders and we walked back in through the back doors of the venue.

"So now we act as though nothing happened?" I whispered as I opened the door.

"I'm not actually sure what to do." He said gently, taking my hand in his. "Let's just see how it goes."

We walked into the room hand in hand.

Jimmy was the first to notice.

"Ooooohhhh!" he said breaking into laughter, nudging sonny. "I've won the bet." He crowed.

"Shit." Sonny replied, and began searching for his wallet.

"Oi dickhead, what bet?" Shaun said heading towards jimmy.

"I bet sonny fifty bucks that you and iz would start going out before the end of her birthday." Jimmy said, accepting the two twenties and the ten from sonny.

"And I lost." Sonny said dejectedly. "But still you guys, we were expecting it ages ago, with the way you two have been acting lately."

Not wanting to disappoint jimmy, and leave him vulnerable to jeers and comments from sonny, Shaun looked at me turned his face to the right so no one could see that side of his face, and winked at me smiling a cute smile as he did so.

He placed his hands on either side of my waist, I wrapped my hands around his neck and he kissed me.

There were loud wolf whistles and laughter from every one.

That one was meant to happen, unlike the other one.

Yep, I was right.

Today was the best birthday ever.

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