Chapter 3- Sleepover

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I enter the playroom with King following me. My younger siblings-Liam and Layla- have dark brown hair, brown eyes and olive skin. They're chaotic in a cute and adorable way. I haven't spoken to them yet because my parents only adopted them a few months ago(3 months, 1 week and 2 days to be exact) and i'm not 100% comfortable with them yet. I absolutely adore them though!

I sneak in quietly, tip toeing around Layla's back and Liam's side. Finding a suitable place to sit, i sit silently and watch them play. By the looks of it they are playing a zoo game. After a few quiet seconds, i grab both their shoulders at the same time and they shriek in laughter. We use sign language to communicate and then King plays with them. For around half an hour we all play quite happily, playing with the animal figurines in a zoo game Liam made up for us. I feel someone watching us so i look up and around the room. I don't spot anyone at first but with another look i spot Luz in the doorway, smiling. I grab everyone's attention and point to Luz who is still smiling and then she giggles- causing me confusion but i smile anyways.

We all head downstairs, Luz first then me and King, with Liam then Layla last. I hear talking and motion for Luz to stop. We all hide on the stairs-well they do- i sneak around to behind the sofa my parents are on. Luz shushes the younger kids on the stairs and i make a shush motion to Eda who smiles  and continues talking with my parents.
I sneak up to their ears and whisper, "Boo."
All three of them jump a meter out their seats causing everyone to burst out laughing. Liam and Layla run down the stairs and jump on mam and dad. Liam taking mam, Layla taking dad. King does the exact same to Eda. Luz walks down laughing and sits next to Eda/King. I squeeze in to cuddle with my mada who smiles warmly at us. They all know i want to stay in the Boiling Isles so we negotiate. Finally agreeing the terms: i go to school, i visit at least once a month and Eda, Luz and King have to protect me at all costs. Which they would do anyway may i add. Hooty would too even though he doesn't know me. Oh right and the final deal, i have to take pictures and show them around one day. I can totally wait for that day!

My parents convinced Eda, Luz and King to sleep over. Luz would sleep in my room, Eda would sleep in Layla's room-Layla will sleep with Liam for the night- and King can sleep wherever he wants since he is kind of a dog. So with that sorted, dad cooked tea. My favourite -(your favourite food/meal)! I hope Eda and King can digest it though. Mada talked with Eda about whatever adults talk about and Mam was entertained with my siblings by King. So that left me and Luz to... Talk. Well in sign language obviously, i am surprised that she knows it! But grateful. I took her hand, pulled her off the sofa and led the grand tour.

I first showed her the kitchen but dad was busy and wanted us out. I showed her the dining room which led to the back garden and she loved it! It has a play area, nature area, some grass area and a patio area each with unique traits, oh and the garden is really big! Next was upstairs. Luz has seen the playroom so it'll be Liam's room first then Layla's. The youngings are very different yet so similar, their bedrooms show that. My bedroom is next.

The bed is in the corner(for reasons). A bedside table, floor space, big window and seat, storage. The usual with pride flags on the walls, art, posters and a shelf for teddies. Theres also lots of space for my books. The furniture was all white. My bedding and carpet are (F/c), the walls light grey with paterns and the ceiling was my favourite part. It was painted dark blue(very dark blue) and has stars painted on. The light in the middle of the room is yellow like the sun. Luz looks pretty amazed.

I showed Luz the bathroom and where my parents' room is- she knows not to go in. We go sit in my room for a little bit and use sign language to talk. I now know a few more things about her- her favourite colour is purple, her birthday and some other things. She also loves animals.
"Kids!! Tea is ready!!" dad shouts.
"Guess we better go. Come on Y/n. It's been fun getting to know you! Can't wait to introduce you to my friends in the Boiling Isles'." Luz says happily and maybe blushing a bit.
I smile, nod and sign, "I cannot wait. It has been fun, i hope you enjoy tea!"
We walk down together and go eat our food. My parents' had to pull up a few extra chairs for Eda, Luz and King but we were all happy to help out afterwards.

Lucky me, Layla wanted me to put her to bed and Liam then agreed! These kids are amazing but oh so annoying. To make it even more fun, they wanted Luz as well! I dressed them both for bed and Luz is asking if they want a story. It is very sweet. We are in Layla's room and everyone is sitting on the bed. Her and Liam snuggled up cutely, me and Luz sitting next to each other. Luz reads it and i sign parts they don't understand. The kids fall asleep quickly. Luz tucks Layla in and i carry Liam to his bed and tuck him in. We go downstairs quietly and say goodnight to everyone then head to my room to sleep.

Luz and I share my bed instead of one of us sleeping on the floor uncomfortably. She falls asleep quick, borrowing a pair of my pjs. Then i feel her cuddle into me. What!? Okay. I relax remembering we're friends and allow myself to drift off. Of course i may have cuddled into her a bit too. I have peaceful dreams of Luz, Amity, Eda, Liam and Layla and the Boiling Isles'. Basically i dream today but different. More peaceful and dreamy. I wonder what Luz is dreaming...

A/N note

Sorry guys, feel so bad for not updating sooner! Been a busy busy bee. If i don't update after a week plz comment and tell me to update! My memory is quite bad! 😅
Luv yas all! Enjoy! Xx

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