Chapter 6- The Truth

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This chapter has a tw so feel free to skip past that part. Your first time regressing on the Boiling Isles... Exciting! Oh and for the tw lets just say stuff happened but you were saved when u were 3 by a 12/13 yr old girl. Enjoy!!


Today is Luz and I's second day at school. Yeah i'm totally not going after fainting yesterday. I grab my teddy and open the secret zip. I pull out my pacifier and suck on it. I already feel myself regressing. I hope no-one comes in. I really need this- it's been so stressful recently. I regress to a 2 year old, that's the age when i had my trauma.
The door slams, i guess Luz is gone. I watch out the window. Hm, strange. She's coming back.
"School's closed. Something about a pixie infestation." Luz talks loudly.
Strange... then they talk for a small while. I suck on my paci, hug my teddy and put my favourite cartoon on- on my phone.

The door opens. Luz walks in, "Hey Y/n. School's closed. I'm just gonna change then go to a carnival!"
When i don't answer she looks at me. And now it gets awkward.
"Wuz!" i say happily.
"How old are you, Y/n?" luz asks, worried.
I look down at my fingers and put 2 up.
"2!? Should i get Eda? I think i should get Eda!" Luz panics, i giggle.
"Ok Wuz get Eda!" i agree.
Luz exits the room and shouts Eda at the top of the stairs. Eda comes to Luz.
"What's wrong kid?"
"Y/n. They are sucking a pacifier and think they're 2! What happened!?" Luz freaks out to Eda.
Eda laughs, "I did nothing. I believe it's called age regression! Some humans and witches do it to cope with stress, trauma or just for fun. It can be volantary or involantary. It can also be pure- that is if they are happy and bubbly. Or impure- that is if they aern't happy and throw tantrums."
Silence as Luz processes.
"You said they're 2? They'll need supervised and looked after then. Lets go see." Eda says walking to me with Luz following.
"Hi Y/n! What you doing, kiddo?" Eda asks me, crouching down to my level.
"Watin cawtoon! Ish my favwit! Wook!" i show Eda my phone.
"Wow! How cool! Y/n? Where did you get the pacifier from?"
"Du seecwet pockit in my teddy!" I explain.
"Me sowwy fow no be big! Me stwessed an needed wittl time. You can go if you want..." i say sadly and defensively.
"I can't believe they're talking this much." Luz says.
"Big me no tawk to cope and awso wittl me to cope." I try to explain.
"I'll stay and look after Y/n. You and King go to the carnival!" Eda tells Luz.
"No it's ok. I'm sure King would love someone to play with. Plus Tibbles sent the invite so it's probably a trap." Luz explains.
"Ok. Lets go downstairs to the living room. You okay with King and Hooty seeing you regressed, Y/n?" Eda says.
I nod, "Isk ok! Can you cawwy me peese?"
Eda stays silent for a second, "Eh sure."
She picks me up and holds me on her hip. Luz looks shocked. Eda takes me downstairs, Luz follows close behind. King looks at me funnily but shruggs it off.
"Pay time, Eda? Peese?" I beg Eda.
"Snack and drink first then you can play." Eda insists.
"Oky! An Wuz nack too?" I ask.
"Sure. I'll have a snack too." Luz says.
Eda sits me on the kitchen bench, "Stay there. Don't move."
I nodd and snuggle my F/A teddy, waiting for a snack.
"Do you want juice in a sippy cup or a bottle?" Eda asks, showing me both. I point to the sippy. The witch poors juice in the sippy cup and places it on the table with the snacks.
"Wooks yummy!" i say excitedly.
Eda picks me up and places me in a chair at the table. I eat all my snacks and drink some juice then ask to play. Eda agrees and sets me on the floor. I hold Luz's hand as she takes me to the living room. I sit on the floor with Luz as King comes over.

"Here you can have some blocks to play with." Eda says as she makes toy blocks to play with.
I clap my hands together happily. Luz explains to King that i'm regressed and currently 2. Me and King play with the blocks as Luz just watches mostly. After half an hour, King gets bored and i start to feel big again. I take my paci out and put it in the secret zip in my teddy. King walks away as Eda comes to me.
"So yous wanna know why i regress, right? And also when i regress never ever call me 'little one' or 'little ...' anything. Got it? Oh and why i'm talking in front of you, Eda, is because if i talk to someone when i'm little- i trust them and can talk to them when i'm big." i explain.
"Uh yeah if you want. You don't have to though. Ok we won't. And thats cool." Luz says.
"I'd like to know but as Luz said you don't have to tell us." Eda says.


"I was adopted by my current parents when i was 3. Nobody knows who my birth parents are. Don't know where i was born or when." i sigh. "Can i have some water please, this is hard for me to tell. It's horrible, i remember everything."
Eda leaves to get me some water and i sit on the sofa next to Luz. She grabs my hand to comfort me as Eda comes back with my water. I take it and drink some.
"I only remember from when i was 11 months old. I was hit and beat constantly. I never cried, never asked for anything. I was barely fed and had to sleep in a dog cage. And then this guy bought me. He treated me even worse, i have no idea how i wasn't found until my 3rd birthday." i take a sip of water and a deep breath. My cheeks feel wet and Luz pulls me in for a hug.
"You can tell us the rest later if you need." Luz comforts me.
"No. No it's ok. I'm fine. I need to tell yous. The man who bought me... He treated me terribly. I almost died 3 or 4 times. It was the guy's daughter who saved me and fed me. I think she was the one who told social services about me. She was 12 at the time i was 2. I saw her a few times after we were saved. We were placed in a foster home together. Then i have no idea what happened to her. She had scars and bruises- i think her dad beat her too. Luckily he was arrested but i found out he killed himself in jail. I cried in relief when i found out..." i trail off, purposley leaving out certain things he also did to torture me and his daughter.
"I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that. We're proud of you for telling us." Eda says but whispers to me, "I know you're hiding somethings too but you can tell us when you're ready."
Luz stays silent and hugs me, i feel my shoulder getting wet and realize Luz is crying. I put my arm around Luz.
"Hey Luz, cmon don't cry. I'm okay now. I've been in play therapy since i was 3, i have my age regression and i have you, Eda, King and Hooty looking out for me. And all our other friends. We're safe, Luz." i comfort her.
She nodds and wipes her eyes, "I'm sorry you have been through all that. And i'm even sorrier for crying."
"It's ok. I'm sorry yous missed the carnival."


"Luz! Y/n! It's Willow and Gus! They're calling!" King alerts us.
Luz runs over to the crystal ball and drags me along with her. She answers the call.
"Luz! Other human! You'll never believe what happened at the carnival!" the male witch says excitedly.
"It was super strange! Sorry yous couldn't make it. Let us tell you alllll about it!" the female agrees.
I shrugg and nodd as Luz agrees verbally.

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