Chapter 9- Little before Grom

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And just my luck.  The next day i woke up and felt...
Little. Almost 2 but actually 1 today. Guess trust goes a long way.

I look around and don't see anyone in the bedroom- not Luz or King, not even Eda or Hooty. And me being litrally a baby, i do not understand so i cry. A few minutes of crying pass and Hooty pops through my window.
"Hoo'y!" i say and clap. He looks happy that i am happy to see him.
"Hoo'y huwt?" i ask, pointing to his bandaged eye and cheek.
"Don't worry, Y/n. I'm ok! Do you want me to get Eda?" Hooty says gently smiling.
"Ye! Eda! Cuddws!" i clap excitedly.
He smiles and leaves for a minute before coming back saying Eda is on her way. I give him a gentle hug and then he leaves.
*Knock* *knock*
"Y/n? Hooty said you needed me. Can i come in?" Eda asks from the other side of the door.
"Eda! Eda eda eda eda eda!" i babble. She opens the door and comes to me, instantly smiling.
"Eda! Cuddw?" i ask.
"Ok, come here kiddo." Eda says when she sits on the floor. I crawl over to her and sit on her knee. The witch wraps her arms around me and i snuggle into her. After a long few minutes, i sit up and look around.
"Wew Wuz? N King?" i ask as my eyes fill with water.
"Luz and King are outside. Don't cry little owlet, it's ok. We can go see them if you want? But the Blight kids are there too." Eda explains.
"Me wittuw owet! Yay! Me wan see Wuz n King! Peese Eda?" i say happily giggling.
"Breakfast first then you can go outside." Eda commands. I nodd, doing grabby hands once she stands. The Owl Lady sighs but picks me up anyways. She carries me downstairs then tells me to stay in the living room until she finishes making breakfast.

I wait for 1 minute before i am very bored. I grab my F/A teddy and lower myself down off the sofa. I crawl over to the door and Hooty opens it for me. I sit just outside the door and giggle.
"Wuz!" i shout and clap. The Blight kids look at me clearly confused. Luz rushes over and makes sure i'm not hurt.
"You know Y/n? They age regress." Luz summarises.
"Hewo." i say shyly. The twins look at me, eyes full of adoration. Amity looks like she wants to protect me from them.
"What are you doing out here alone? Where's Eda? Isin't she looking after you? Have you eaten? Are you cold? Do you need help? Are you thirsty?" Luz asks, worried.
"Luz breathe. I'm sure Eda is inside. Y/n probably wondered off to see you. They are probably fine." Amity says to Luz who smiles at her, thankful.
"Am'y!" i shout, giggling and clapping happily.
Amity smiles and looks at me with a motherly expression.
"Hewo Edic! Hiya Emwa! Wew King?" I say to the twins then look around.
"He's over there. See?" Blight twins say and point at the same time. I giggle and look to see King.
"King!! Yay!! Am'y an Wuz an Edic an Emwa an King in fow bwekfist? An Hoo'y too?" I ask with 'puppy eyes'.
They can't say no to my adorable expression so the Blights go inside. Luz calls King and picks me up. I lean my head on her shoulder and wrap my legs around her waist. I hug her like a koala as she walks back inside.

Eda looks relieved when Luz walks in with me.
"Sorry about the extra people, Eda. Y/n begged us to all stay for breakfast. Including Hooty." Luz explains.
"Yeah i expected that. I made extra! Eat up Blights! Hooty heres your food." Eda says giving hooty a plate of -yuck- whatever he eats. The witches sit down at the table with Eda next to the twins, King at the head and Amity next to Luz and i. Luz sits down realizing i won't let go anytime soon. She eats her breakfast first then half way through my stomach rumbles loudly. Everyone looks at me, i hide my face in Luz's neck and she giggles.
"I'm finished. Do you want me to help you eat, Y/n?" Amity suggests.
I take a few seconds to think then agree as Luz will take a while to finish. Plus, i trust Amity. I unwrap myself from Luz as she hands me to Amity. I get comfy on her knee and she helps me eat my breakfast. Her siblings of course take photos. I eat a bit but stop realizing something.
"Wew Zefwose? He need food too!" i worry.
Just then he comes running in and flies up to me! He licks my cheek, steals some food then sits by Amity's chair. I giggle, quite happy.
Amity just smiles and helps me finish my food. Finally finished, i drink some juice Eda gave me in a sippy cup. Edric and Emira look at me and start giggling after i put my sippy down. I turn my head down sideways in confusion and Eda, Luz and Amity awe at me.
"They're laughing because you're very messy, little owlet." Eda explains to me. I shrugg and play with Amity's fingers who looks at Luz. Luz then comes over with a wipe and cleans my face while i squirm trying to get her off. Em takes yet another photo and looks happy with the result. Luz finally finishes!

I try to wiggle off Amity but she stands and picks me up. I cuddle like a koala into her and she walks around.
"Paci peesh." i ask gently.
"Eda? Luz? Do yous know where their paci is?" the green haired witch asks.
"In the zip in their teddy. I'll get it." Luz says.
She eases (teddys name) out of my hands, opens the zip and pulls out my paci. She then closes the zip, gives me my teddy back and eases my paci into my mouth.
"Ank oo Wuz." i say softly.
The girls smile at me and take me to the sofa. Luz puts on my favourite cartoon she saw me watching a few days ago. I get comfy, sitting across both Luz and Amity. They both hug me and Zepheros who is on my knee.

<Quite a lot of episodes later>
Amity's POV

Luz, Y/n and i watched a lot of episodes of a cartoon series. I did not expect little Y/n to get this attatched to me this fast or for them to be this little. I had a gut feeling they regress but i had no idea it would be baby/toddler regression! I know quite a lot of people regress around here, Lilith does! About 3 or more from school regress too. Lilith regresses to 6-8 i believe. Of course never in front of her students.

"Off." A sleepy baby voice jolts me from my thoughts.
Luz pauses the cartoon then turns it off.
"Bobbo?" They ask half asleep. I instantly know what they mean. Luz gives me a confused look but i smile at her.
"With warm milk, angel?" i ask.
"Uh hu! Bu no too hot! It wiw huwt!" they warn.
"Someone requested a bottle with warm milk?" Em asks walking to us.
"For a very sleepy little one?" Ed asks.
Y/n is no longer sleepy... i think but the look of terror on their face tells me they've been triggered and Luz looks very concerned.
"Blight brother! Out please! Em! Go keep him sane! Put them down you two." Eda commands after rushing over.
Luz and i gently lower Y/n to the floor as my siblings leave. Hooty will keep them company. The little crawls over to a corner and curls into a ball, hugging their teddy.
Suddenly they scream. Y/n takes their paci out and hides it in the zip in their teddy. They scream again, the scream full of pain. It brings tears to my eyes seeing them this distressed. Luz and i hold hands, both of us agreeing to sit with Y/n so they know they're safe. We sit either side of them- us leaning on the walls as Y/n is in the corner. Once they stop screaming and appear to be calm, we hug them. They are now big but still need hugs. The human collapses into us and cries.

Eda allows Ed and Em back in but in the kitchen. The Owl Lady tells them what happened i think. Ed probably feels really guilty. Y/n stops crying and helps us stand.
"Thanks Luz and Amity. And i'm sorry too. I'm going to the kitchen." Y/n says a bit unsteady.
"I'm coming." i say and Luz agrees.


I walk to the kitchen with Luz and Amity trailing behind. Eda is leaning on the table and the Blight twins are sitting at the table. King is sitting on Eda's shoulder. Ed looks endlessly guilty and Em is rubbing his shoulder.
"Hey guys." i say emotionlessly.
Eda looks at me and smiles warmly. Em does the same.
Ed looks down in guilt but says, "I'm sorry,
"It's okay Edric. You didn't know. But now you do so don't do it again." i say and give him a small smile.
He returns the gesture with a small laugh, "I won't."
"Glad you 2 made up but what's with those 2?" Eda asks. I look behind to see Luz and Amity looking... strange. Em giggles and that seems to snap them out of it.
"Are yous okay?" i ask them quietly.

"Huh? Oh yeah. Absolutely fine." Luz assures.
"Huh? Oh yeah. Perfect thanks." Amity says.
They both talk at the same time and we all laugh after.

We have a rest before the twins want to train Luz again. I'll probably join in too. It shall be fun- not.

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