Chapter 5- First Day at School

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<The Next Day>


I sit on the sofa watching Luz read about Hexide and scratching King's tummy. Eda and Hooty make sure we are all ready to go then drag us out the Owl House. Luz is in a very light coloured Hexide uniform and i am in ordinary clothes as i do not have a uniform... Yet hopefully.

Eda, King, Luz and I are on Eda's staff- Owlbert. Luz starts to talk saying this was a mistake and we should go back but Eda comforts her. I get a bit nervous and hug my teddy, i also grab Eda's hand since she is closest. She looks at me with a comforting motherly smile. We land and Eda nudges me off gently while Luz jumps off.


"You can do this!"
"Yeah!" Luz shouts in reply.
"Go out there and do your best!" Eda says, hyping Luz up for her entrance exam.
"Yeah!" Luz says but hesitates. "Wait what!?"
Eda and i gently push Luz on stage and Eda gives her a thumbs up.
We watch Luz do a fun little show then she slips on melted ice and crashes into the adult watching. The Principal i think. Surprisingly he accepted her to Hexide.

Eda and i walk onto the stage to get Luz and Eda asks something.
"Yo! Principal Bump. Any chance i can enrol Y/n in Hexide too? They know the same spells as Luz. Please?"
Principal Bump thinks, "Hmm. Why not. Just don't cause any trouble! Having 2 humans is better than 1."
"Yes!" Luz celebrates and i smile happily.


Eda leaves me and Luz in Principal Bump's office then goes back to her home. Luz can't choose what track to study so he chooses potions for her.
"And you?" He turns to me.
My mouth opens then closes, Bump notices but doesn't comment. I turn to Luz and say in sigh language, "Can you tell him i would like to do something to do with animals? Please. Thanks."
"Ah Beastkeeping. Wonderful choice. Good luck you two." He says then pushes us out.
Luz has a yellow uniform sleeves and pants whilst i'm still in my clothes.

I knock on the door and hear a faint come in. I point to Luz then to me. He seems to understand.
"I didn't notice, sorry." He uses a spell to change me into uniform with orange sleeves and pants. "There. I suppose i should show you too your classrooms too? Come."
We walk to potions first and say bye to Luz. Principal Bump then walks me to Beastkeeping.
"A piece of advice Y/n. Don't mix magic, don't get hurt and write things down if you struggle to talk. Also, the beasts may like your teddy too much so be careful."
I nodd and go into the Beastkeeping classroom.

I listen to the teacher go on about how to identify different types of beasts and it is very interesting. We go outside to see some beasts and i notice a baby something in pain. I go over to it and grab a first aid box on my way. I comfort it and show it that i mean no harm and whisper too it. I wrap a bandage on it's sore leg and it draws a pattern in a circle on some mud. A gasp sounds from me. I draw the glyhp on the mud next to that one and it glows blue. The baby indicates to its leg so i draw the glyph on the bandage. The bandage glows blue then falls off and the leg is healthy. It is a healing glyph!

Some funny looking teachers with curved sticks come and sniff around.
"Trouble." They sneered at me.
One of them hooked the stick around my waist and dragged me away. The baby animal flies after me with my teddy in it's beak and i relax a tiny bit. I get chucked into a classroom and my uniform turnes grey, the baby holding my teddy squeezes in before the door is slammed shut.

I see Luz, a boy, girl and a dog creature. I sit behind with the baby beast and it gives me my teddy. Luz cleans the classroom for talking and awes at the creature. She whispers to me that it is a baby griffin. Luz finishes cleaning and the teacher is asleep so she goes to the window. The boy grabs me and takes me to the chalkboard as the girl takes Luz. The girl draws and opens a door making us all crawl through leading to a room full of doors.

"This is the last room you'll ever see alive. Ha. I'm kidding! I'm Viney." The girl says smiling.
"Im terrified- I mean Luz."
The dog barks and the boy translates, "Her aura is silly like a baby's laughter."
"Im Jerbo. That is Barkus. You?" the boy says again.
I pull paper out my pocket and write in pencil, "I'm Y/n. What is this place!? It's so cool? Also why are our uniforms all grey? Also i struggle to speak thats why i write."
Viney and Jerbo read it.
Viney replies, "You don't know? This is the detention track. We can't learn any magic in here. But this is the secret room of shortcuts! Leads all around the school. We study all kinds of magic!"
Luz and i smile excitedly. Luz says, "This is awesome! What did yous get in here for? I was in potions but i used an oracle ball thingy. Bump saw."
Viney explains she mixed beastkeeping and healing and says Puddles is a great assisstant. My mouth drops. I did almost the exact same thing.
Jerbo mixed plant and abominations, Barkus mixes pitions and oracle.
I write on paper what happened to me. "I put a bandage on this little creatures leg and it drew a glyhp in the mud so i drew it on the bandage. The bandage glowed then fell. Wiered teachers with hooks put me in here. Do you like my new friend, Luz? Any idea on it's gender and name? "
Viney's jaw drops too, "Beastkeeping and Healing!? We are very similar Y/n. The griffin is a boy without a name by the way."
I sign thanks with a smile.
Luz has stars in her eyes as she looks at the griffin then voices catch her attention.
"Luz? Luz! Are you in here?"
"Maybe she booked it. She did say she was better than this place."

I go hide in the corner with my F/A teddy and the griffin hugs into me. Viney and Luz argue first then Jerbo and Barkus join. Luz leaves. My breathing quickens and i begin to panic. I can't hear. I can barely see. My heart is too loud. Everything is too much. Darkness.

"Oh my Titan! Are you okay?" Viney.
"They're awake!" Jerbo.
"Woof! Woof!" Barkus.
"Take it easy." Viney.
I open my eyes slowly and blink a few times. Jerbo and Barkus are sitting near me but a small distance away. Viney is right next to me. The baby is on my knee and i am hugging my teddy, still in the hideout. I sit up as the door barges open.
"I need your help!" Luz shouts.
"Hey! Take it easy! Y/n had a panic attack and fainted. Luckily, they're okay." Jerbo warns Luz.
"Oh my gosh! Thank you for looking after them! But i need your help- ah Willow!" Luz says fast and drops a female witch.
"What happened!?"
"A greater Basilisk! Look!" Jerbo exclaims, closing a door.
Luz gently puts a dark skinned male witch on the floor next to Willow. Luz is a lot stronger than i thought.


Luz jumps on the basilisk pushing it through the secret hideout. It lands on stage where Principal Bump and Amity are leaning against seats on the floor. Barkus pours a potion on it's palm as the basilk freaks out. Luz says something about it's future. Viney's griffin Puddles cuts a rope and sandbags dropped on it's stomach. The imposter inspecter's stomach was squished and balls of magic flew away to their rightful witches. A ball flew to Amity and one to Bump. Their skin flowed back to their natural colours allowing them to do magic again.

Luz congratulates the three and then we all hug. Bump shouts at us all saying we're in big trouble.
"Is that a secret hideout!?" Bump shouts as the witches in there back away from the door.
"And why would the witches in the detention track need a secret hideout?" Luz argues.
"I don't care to know the ins and outs of rascality." Bump defends. "If we can get an actual inspector this time..."
"Okay you need coven money. But if you have to hurt your students, what's the point? They saved Hexide. Let them study what they wish!" Luz continues. I nodd, agreeing.
"Do the right thing, ya dingus." the male witch encourages.
"Fine. I know when i've made a mistake. What would you like to study?" Principal Bump admits with a smile.
Everyone gasps.
"Beastkeeping and Healing!" Viney smiles.
"Plants and abomination." Jerbo follows.
Barkus barks something. Bump agrees and changes their uniform to the respective tracks.
Luz asks to study everything! Her uniform has every colour on!
Bump looks at me, "Y/n?"
I write, "Can i study: Beastkeeping, Healing, Plants and Bard. Please? "
I pass him the paper and he smiles as if he was expecting something like that.
"Yes, of course!" He says and changes my uniform from dark grey to orange, blue, green and red. In that order- left to right, arms then legs. I smile gratefully.
"You know only ond other student wanted to study everything. Edalyn Clawthorne." Bump acknowledges showing a picture of young Eda.
"I shoulda known!" Luz expressess as i giggle. Luz looks at me and smiles whilst i can see Viney coming up with an idea. I hope i have classes with them. I know i won't with Barkus. I might have plants with Jerbo. With Viney i could have beastkeeping or healing- preferably both. And Luz, i could have anuthing with Luz! It is a shame i won't have classes with Amity who studdies abomination or her siblings who are illusionists. Maybe they'll take up more tracks...

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