Chapter 8- Enchanting Grom -not yet

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Luz was inspecting a flower with a magnifiying glass and drawing paterns on paper. King was watching Luz's phone and yelling about cats fighting to their death. Eda was... Well no where to be seen. Hooty blabbering about flies. Y/n had already discovered the flower/plant glyphs and was trying to help Luz but it wasn't working well.
"Yes! King look! My glyph skills are blossoming! Thanks Y/n!" Luz shouts as a flower sprouts from some paper. Hooty opens the door and retches some books out of his mouth. With Luz and Y/n both ewing. The male witch- Gus and Willow pop their heads around the door urging them to hurry. The humans say bye to King and Y/n find Eda and say bye to her too. She said good luck.   Y/n and Luz leave the house with Gus and Willow, they all walk to Hexide together.


"Something's different. Did everyone get a haircut?" Luz asks.
Y/n signs, No there are decorations, stupid.
"I forgot you two are new! Welcome to the social event of the season!" Willow explains.
Somebody asks a girl to grom with a very overexaggerated ask- medically speaking. She screams and says yes, everybody cheers for the two. Amity bumps into Luz and Y/n, knocking the 3 over. Amity starts to say something mean but stops when she looks up to see Luz and Y/n.
"Hi Luz, Hi Y/n. Co." Amity says instead. They all smile as the humans help Amity up and give her the stuff she dropped.
"Here's your note." Luz says happily.
Amity snatches nervously and the humans giggle.
"Man you got some good grabbers!" Luz teases. Y/n does crab hand snaps- smiling.
Amity looks down, "Sorry. It's... private."

People go quiet with anticipation as the speaker beeps with an announcement.
"This is your principal speaking. This year i have the privledge to bestow the highest Grom honour to.... Amity Blight! Our Grom Queen!"
Luz looks pleased, trying to give Amity a high five. Amity's face drops and Y/n looks at her in concern. The witch then runs off- clearly overwhelmed. Luz looks ashamed but Willow comforts her.
"This is a big task for anyone. Even Amity. Being Grom queen isin't usually pleasant."
Luz, Y/n and Gus nodd sadly agreeing.


Luz was walking into the hall with Y/n, both curious about 'Grom'. Amity walks over after Luz pushed a button making an entryway appear.
"Grom is short for Gromethius- the fear bringer. Every year it tries to escape and a student has to defeat it before it invades Bonesborough. The worst part is... It can read minds to shapeshift into your worst fear. And mine is super emberassing." Amity explains.
"That sucks." Y/n says quietly making Amity smile.
"Why don't you ask Bump to get out of this whole death match bizz? Unless talking to Bump is your worst fear!??" Luz suggests.
"That is actually a good idea. Thanks guys. See yous later!" Amity says giggling sweetly before walking off to find Bump.
The humans look at each other smiling, both blushing slightly.


Luz and I just arrived back to the Owl House.
"I'm hommmeeee!" Luz shouts excitedly.
We wonder in to Eda's bedroom where Eda suddenly says 'OW'. Eda is in a dark brown suit that looks really good. But King- i burst out laughing, not being able to hold it in.
"Kid? What you laughing at?" Eda asks with confusion.
"Is it Eda?" King asks with hope.
I shake my head and calm down- not looking at King.
"Oh no of course not! Eda you look amazing! It's King! In his little clo-" i say but laugh again- looking at King. He has a apron on but it's green with pockets and just hilarious. They don't seem to understand my humour but i don't care.
"Who's the victim?" Eda asks clearly intruiged.
"Amity. I feel bad. I wish i could take her place or something..." Luz indulges.
Now they laugh, not Luz or I but King and Eda.
"Oh so now you laugh? Shocking." i complain with a smirk.
"Mmhmm! But seriously!? Luz fight Grom! She's a human. You're too fragile!" Eda explains still laughing.
"I'm not fragile! I have glyphs! I could easily defeat Grom!" Luz defends.
"Ehh? I dunno Luz." King defends Eda.
"Just to point out- you have a horrifying spider in your hair." Eda says.
My expression changes faster than a blink and it shows one thing only- pure horror/terror.
Eda picks up on this and is about to ask if i'm ok but Luz says, "I'm not as fragile as you think!" before leaving.
My face visibly pales, my hands shake, my breathing quickens and i cry silently. Frozen to the spot before... Darkness.

I wake up on the floor with Eda holding me and King sitting on me. Also the baby griffin cuddling into my knee and my arms hugging (teddys name). 
"I should name him. Any ideas?" I ask weakly, slowly sitting up and leaning into Eda more. She doesn't seem to mind but is pleased i talked.
"Glad you are awake, kiddo. But i have no idea. He is a griffin, he flies. What about Skye?" Eda suggests.
"You should name him Prince jr. in honor of me!" King commands cutely.
"Eda! You gave me the perfect idea! Zepheros ! What do yas think? Mostly you lil baby." I ask and say excitedly. 《Zefer ose》
Eda and King look pleased. The griffin flies into my chest happily.
"Zepheros it is!" Someone suddenly says.
"Luz? I thought you left?" Eda questions. I agree by nodding my head.
"Hooty told me they fainted. I got rid of the thing in my hair! It was not fun. How you feeling, Y/n? Want some fresh air?" Luz explains then shudders then smiles.
I nodd and Eda helps me up. Luz and i leave with (teddys name) and Zepheros.


"Who's there?" Luz asks preparing to attack.
Oh nevermind she attacked. Zepheros-at least he tried to stop her, i just stood there not expecting her to actually do it.
Luz makes a light glyph and we are both shocked to see Amity.
"Hey Luz, Y/n. At least the griffin tried to protect me. I thought this day couldn't-" Amity says but stops when we help her up. She falls into us but then sits on a tree stump- quite embarrased.
"-get any worse. Bump said no unless i have someone to replace me. And no-one would do that." Amity admits sadly.
"Meet Zepheros. My griffin friend. I'd help as backup if you like?" i say sincerely.
"I would. I'll defeat Grom for you, Amity! And Y/n and Zepheros will act as my backup! Yeah! We can do this!" Luz cheers. The baby griffin picks up on her excitement and starts running around her feat.
"I'll introduce Viney and beastkeeping to Zepheros tomorrow. I'm sure they'd love to meet him. Plus he follows me everywhere so i don't have much choice." i say and giggle a bit. The girls join in and laugh with me as the baby now rolls in the mud.
"Hey, hey Amity! Lux called herself a 'bad boy' when we were walking on our way here! A bad boy!" i explain and laugh at the memory. Luz pouts but starts laughing as soon as Amity does too. Luz does it again just to get us to laugh more- she is very sweet and funny! We calm down eventually, sad to say goodbye. Luz and i say goodbye and goodnight to Amity as she heads home and we go back too. Me now carrying Zepheros as he is practically asleep and very muddy.

Luz and i head to bed after we saw Eda and King- out of their fancy clothes.
"Yo Y/n?" Eda grabs my attention, "Just going to say... If you don't regress soon you'll start to feel ill. Luz and i will happily look after you. Don't tell anyone i said this but- i actually enjoy looking after you. 'kay? So regress soon to be happier and safer, kiddo!"
Luz agrees whilst yawning.
"I know, thanks Eda. Don't worry i won't. Who'd believe me anyway!? But im exhausted and Luz is too. So goodnight!" i say to Eda then hug her. She tenses for a second but hugs back comfortingly.

And just my luck.  The next day i woke up and felt...

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