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i open my eyes slowly and i see... someones head on my tits my head hurt and it was bury so i didn't there face in tell.

mikeys POV: data crashed threw the window and knocking everyone  over i was surprise to find my head on something big and squishy i open my eyes to see clothes right in front  of my eyes and i lifted up my head and saw a pair of boobs in front of my face and i looked up to see y/n face i said sorry and tried to get up and slipped i accidentally grabbed her boob oh man shes going to hate me


i didn't see there face in tell they look up and now our faces are inches apart that's when i realize that it's mikey he quickly apologized and tried to get up but i saw mouth trip him and he fell on me again and grabbed my boob i gasped and he quickly got off and said sorry and that he didn't mean to . i said that it was fine as i blushed, he took another puff from the inhaler and chunk said ha i bet you guys thought i was going to drop it,holding a statue the he tried to set it on the table and dropped it. i heard people calling him a idiot  mikey slid on the table and picked it up. see it didn't break chunk said then mikey dropped his inhaler and said shit you broke her favorite piece grabbing the penis that was on the statue a few moments ago, i laughed a little but soon stopped myself and mouth said u wouldn't be here if it wasn't. brand hit his shoulder and said shut up.then someone walked in the door she was so pretty,she said hi to mikey and brand and another girl walked in the first girl said this is roseata  and she is going to help us get ready she doesn't speak a word of English and i know some of you guys are learning Spanish and it would really help if one of could translate for me. mouth volunteered and said i can do it mrs.walsh i speak perfect Spanish and left with them,i though mrs.walsh so it must be there mom i looked at mikey and thought he looked so cute!... wait what am i thinking i only met him today i can't like him... can i?

mikey x reader:the gooniesWhere stories live. Discover now