Untitled Part 5

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so this is the goonies but brand is not going to be there because idk just because

y/ns POV: 

 was holding for dear life as mikey continued to bike down the road with the rest of the goonies.

we came to a stop and got off the bikes and walked to the tree line on a hill we look at the map and it is the same spot. we where traveling down the hill and mikey looked threw a coin he found with the map and he said there was a match between the rock the lighthouse and summer restaurant. the mouth translated the map again telling us to take 100 far steps north as we did so they had to Cary there bikes up a hill. they where all struggling to Cary them except mikey, he had a smarter way. the map brought us right to the summer restaurant.  why is a summer restaurant open in fall asked chunk, wait i see someone mikey said, what is it i asked. i looked over his shoulder and saw three people carrying some big black bag into the trunk of there truck. what was that? i asked, kitchen garbage mikey said i looked at him and his face was right next to mine i backed away...sorry i said he said it was okay scratching the back of his neck.

mikey's POV: 

what was that? y/n asked, kitchen garbage i said as i looked at her. she looked at me and we where so close to each other. she then backed away and said sorry,i said that it was ok while scratching the back of my neck i took a puff of my inhaler.

y/n's POV: we started to walk toward the summer restaurant when we heard  "gunshots".

guys was that gunshots chunk said, no some just dropped a pot mikey says and everyone agreed.there gonna kill us chunk yelled, and everyone whisper yelled for chunk to shut up.they looked threw the window to see the three people there again taking something somewhere we walked in. then some guy-i think snuck  up behind us who are u. we all jumped who are they a guy said, these are costumers what can i get you umm water ya water everyone said. is that all yes almost everyone said but mouth said no,we all told him to shut up. he didn't listen he kept saying french foods and she grabbed him and squeezed his cheeks and said. the only thing we serve here is tongue, you guys like tongue pulling out a knife. we all said no no so she put it away and brought us our waters at a table. we said thank ma'am but mikey said sir the water was brown and gross. then mikey said that he needed to use the bathroom and i "did" to,the others said that this isn't the place to go to the bathroom but the girl said down the hall to the right.me and mikey said thank you and left, she yelled stay to your right. we where walking down and mikey pulled the map out and said i know its down here i followed him and we went left. i asked where he was gong and he said to trust him. i said ok and we walk down some stairs and saw a door he opened it slightly and saw someone chained to the wall yelling as another guy was throwing food at him while yelling at him because he was messing up his horrible singing he the threw the plate of food at the ground and started walking our way.we quikly jumped and i landed on mikey,i looked down and saw the position we where in. we stared into each others eyes.

 mikey's POV:

the guy was coming our way we quickly jumped behind the door, i open my eyes and see y/n on top of me i started blushing.she looked kinda scared that we would get caught by this guy,i wrapped my arms around her so she wouldn't move otherwise we would get caught.

y/n's POV: 

he wrapped his arms around me and said that he would let me move but then we would get caught i blushed and i started to lean in when ha i knew u guys where down here the lady saw us and brought us back upstairs and told everyone to get out.

me and mikey where trying to tell them what happened, then we saw them leaving with the bag in there truck and drove off then chunk was saying that there was bullet holes in the car. com on guys lets go home are moms are worried its dinner time everyone else agreed. home what home...in a couple of hours this isn't going to be home anymore mikey said. this-this is our time  our last chance to see if there really is any rich stuff.i agreed, and everyone else then agreed.

we walked to the door, its locked mikey said. oh wait, chunk i have some naked pictures of your mom, in a bath you wanna buy some mouth said. WHAT chunk yelled as he charged at mouth he moved and chunk broke down the door. we all said thank you to chunk while we walked in, then the boys started arguing about something. we started to walk back down the stairs again and the we heard the man chunk i hope that was your stomach data said,nope he replied me and mikey said that's the it. we came closer to the door and mouth kept on saying i don't wanna see it, then mikey reminded him that its chained to the wall.we opened the door and the it freaked out and everyone fell backwards into another room i open my eyes and yet again.

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