finding the treasure

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y/n's POV:

we all fell into another room and i found myself on top of mikey again. forgetting the moment we leaned in,and then we hear. shame shame i know your name~ as the other sang,then mouth said come on mikey slip her the tongue. we quickly got up and mikey said stop being so immature. chunk found water and tried to drink it while me and mikey looked for the next thing on the map,mikey grabbed a poker for a fireplace and banged on the ground.mouth said to put it down and that he is going to lose a hand,then he said that he has an idea why don't we put chocolate all over the floor and let chunk eat threw it.ok mouth that's all i can stand chunk says as he gets up and i can't take anymore.he knocks over the water thing and it broke then mikey said wait do you hear that,ya it sounds like my grandfather taking a leak so what mouth it sounds like whole in the ground,at that moment a saw the water stream going under the fireplace. hey guys i said mikey looked over and said see i knew it he moved the fireplace and lifted a cap thing there was a plank of wood that we broke.then data started yelling $50 bill we have the money to save the goon docks we looked and got exited i said wait stop,this is fake.

they are mouth said man i knew these guys where bad news said chunk.

chunk then started yelling and stopped i smell ice cream he opened a door, he started naming off ice cream flavors and then we notice i body there was a fucking body in there we all started to freak out. the body then fell out. then someone walked in the door,we all didn't move a muscle and stayed quite chunk,data and mouth where holding each other and me and mikey where by each other then chunk said pizza pepperoni, then we heard the girl yelling put those guns away now! she quietly said someones been here we all started to go over to the  freezer and quickly put the body back in and walked over to the fireplace. that's our only way out mikey said data you go first mouth second y/n third and then ill go we all agreed once mouth and data where down mikey helped me down and the jumped down. we heard the people walk in the room mikey quickly and quietly moved the fake fireplace back once the three people left wheres chunk i asked. mikey looked around and saw him in the freezer and signaled for him to come here he got out of the freezer and came over,what are you guys doing down there he said chunk we need you to go get the police ok we all said. ok chunk said as he looked around for a way out and saw a window he quickly climbed out and as soon as the window shut they walked back in,we started to go threw the cave 

a little later~

 we've been walking forever how much farther is it i said. data do you have a flashlight mikey said. oh ya ya for sure says data as he turned our way and turned it on and started to walk backwards while blinding us then they died aww bad thing they dot last very long he said.guys there's a light ahead maybe we can get out that way lets go mikey says.we found a lantern and matches we lit it and we where in a big room with a lot of pipes mouth ur dad does pipes right what are these mikey said.these look like water pipes,gas pipes,drainage hey hey wait a minute guys these pips are connected to a building or something if we bang on the pipes or make enough noise maybe someone will hear us mouth says. we start to bang on the pipes and make a lot of noise then later we hear the pipes growling and everyone said lets get out of here! then a pipe broke send water with a really high water pressure broke down dirt on the wall while we crawled threw the order data,mouth,me and mikey crawling threw the tunnel.then it became standing height so we walked threw the small opening.there i was talking about how long it will take to look all gross and fat and bald like him i said pointing at a skeleton then i screamed and held on to mikey as he takes a puff from his inhaler. data kept on talking about how chester copper pot was a professional and he only made it this far what about us, we can't be sure its chester copper pot mikey said im sure its him check his wallet data said.mikey grabbed his wallet and said it is chester copper pot and showed us the id see i told u data said oh god where going to die mouth said i hit his shoulder no we aren't.hey look candles mikey said pulling out dynamite and handed it to data hey where are u going mikey said i'm setting booty traps datta said u mean booby traps that's what i said booby traps. i laughed whats funny mouth said do you guys talk about boobies all the time i asked everyone laughed with me. mikey found a skeleton necklace and picked it up the skeletons head fell off i yelped and mikey put the necklace on.mikey started to say something and trailed off saying hey look at the grabbing a string and following it and then he set it off don't move anyone don't move! data the yelled run as a giant rock fell behind him everyone started running there was a little cave everyone then mikey ran back out i yelled after him he grabbed the lantern and ran back next to me i hugged him and told him not to do that again. 

mikey x reader:the gooniesWhere stories live. Discover now