finding the map

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mrs.walsh came back and said she was taking Rosetta to the store,they said ok. then mrs.walsh said i see data droped by looking at the broken screen door she told him to use the back door and she looked at me. she walked over and asked mikey who i was, she whispered something to mikey. he looked away and blushed. then he,i wonder what they where talking about.

mikey's POV: my mom asked who the new girl was and y/n introduced herself, my mom walked up to me and whispered is she your girlfriend or something,i looked away and said no. my mom looked a little disappointed. 

y/n's POV:

 she then walked over to brand and told him not to let mikey outside in the rain or he will be in deep- the deepest... shit ma brand said. she hit him in the shoulder i don't like that language  she said. what is that... oh shit what chunk said WHAT is THAT then she pointed at potato chip crumbs,that is a mess i want it cleaned up boys she then said. ohhh ya we will clean that up the boys said.

once she left i asked where the glue was, mikey said it was in the kitchen so i went out to go get it, i got it and handed it to mikey. chunk said let me do it let ,me glue it on,mikey handed him the glue. a little later he showed us and said there, we looked and all sighed. mikey said you glued it upside down,if god made you like that you'd all be pissing in your faces said brand.then mouth asked what is going to happen to there dads stuff in the addict, i don't know take it back to the museum mikey said. lets go check it out maybe find some rich stuff everyone yelled,as they run to the addict. no that's my dads stuff, i'm going to get in trouble.i grabbed his hand and pulled him to the addict.i saw chunk wherein a pirate outfit fighting brand with fake swords,i never knew you had something this cool in your house mouth said walking behind mikey. ok you guys saw it,now lets go.mouth smirked i saw him go behind a painting and ripped a whole where the girls mouth was,mikey! he yelled. mikey bent down to the painting and mouth said come here mikey and give me a wet lickery kiss and he stuck his tough threw the whole. mikey grabed the painting,your ruining the painting get out from there mikey said.your ruining my joke mouth said,i laughed. then mouth dropped the painting mikey went to pick it up and saw a framed picture or something like that. hey chunk come here mikey yelled chunk said i didn't do it.mikey told chunk to hold it and he said why me, mikey started counting down 3 2 1. chunk droped it and everyone looked at them when they heard a shattering sound. hey everyone mikey found some thing it was a map! he wiped the glass away and picked it up it had writing on it in Spanish mouth you said you can translate. mouth started to translate, ye intruders beware   crushing death and grief   soaked with blood of the trespassing thief mouth said pausing in between sentences. this map is old news said brand,all our grandfather and parents went looking for that and never came back with it something about a pirate named umm ... one-one eyed willy!

one eyed willy mikey said,then he started to enplane the stories his dad used to tell him. god you sound just as corny as when dad would say it. chunk left to go do who knows what and kicked something he then picked it up and brought it to us he then said have you guys ever heard of this guy before Chester copperpot or something. mikey grabbed it from him and started to read the artical,Chester copperpot missing after trying to find local legend. reclusive scavenger claims...i have the key to one eyed do you guys realize what we could do.

nobody never found nothing, why would this map be in this addict,when it could be in safety deposit box,right brand said. right and if he couldn't find it how could we chunk said.but what if, we wouldn't have to leave the goon docks. come on mike, i dont want to go on anymore of your goonie adventurers chunk said.where are u going you dont wanna do this? mikey said. i wanna do it i said.then we hear a knock outside we all rushed out of the addict and to the front door to see who it was. there was two men standing there he asked if there dad was home, no sir hes at work brand said is your mommy here he then said. no shes at the store buying pampers for all us kids brand that laughed. well give this to your dad when he gets home to look threw and sign okay? ok thank you brand said taking the papers. what are they mikey said,there dads but what are they about said mikey its about the house they want to take it down and build a golf course.we went inside to the kitchen mikey sighed, forget it brand said mom would ground me if i let you out and i have a date with andy. 

a little later~

mikey whispers to the group and showed us the map, he then signaled to his brother and we all nodded. hey brand how far can u stretch that mikey asked. oh well its not that hard he streched it and me,mikey, and chunk jumped on him while data and mouth tie the thing behind his back. we all ran out the door as brand yells for us to come back,mouth popes his tiers and they got on there bikes and was about to leave then mikey stopped and looked at me,arent you coming he said. i dont have a bike i told him,then he told me to hope on the back of his so i did he then told be to hold on

whoo hoo part 4 done! -_- im so tierd

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